Friday, February 27, 2009

Where's the Bread?

Where's the Bread?

"Now they had forgotten to bring bread, and they had only one loaf with them in the boat." Mark 8:14

Yesterday I got whacked in the head yet again by the Lord. Many of you know that 2008 was a challenging year financially for America's KESWICK, as with most ministries. 2009 started out with a bang -- in a good sense, and we were blown away at how God has provided for our needs in the month of January, which typically is a "challenging" month.

On Tuesday, our CFO shared with our Administrative Team the goodness of God and we were rejoicing. On Wednesday morning at our daily staff prayer time, our CFO shared that cash flow is really tight because of the two ministry weekends we are doing for our Hispanic friends. Our normal weekend income is much lower, but we know that this ministry to our Hispanic friends is an important one.

I confess that after Allen's report, I was saying to myself, "Lord, here we go again!" Most of the day I was feeling sorry for myself, weary from the last six months of constant concern regarding our finances.

This morning I got blasted, but God. Here is the "Welte" paraphrase of the story. Jesus tells his disciples to get into a boat, and they are going on a little excursion. Ever think of how many teaching times happen with those dudes when they are in boat?

I don't sense that they knew in advance that they were leaving that soon, nor do I think that they had any idea how long a trip it would be. As far as food goes -- they had ONE loaf of bread. The text says they forgot to bring bread with them! I am not sure how big that loaf was, but remember that along with Jesus, there were 12 in the boat!!! How far does one loaf go with twelve guys who were quite put together?

They must have all been thinking about the bread and started to discuss this among themselves. I can imagine them saying, "There ain't no McJerusalem around these parts. This is a full service cruise. Jesus is obviously listening in on their conversation! Don't you love it! He sees and knows everything!!! He asks them why they are concerned about the bread. Before they are able to even answer, he asks them if they have vision and hearing problems!

And then Jesus nails it! Can they be that blinded that they forgot so quickly the miracle that they just had witnessed. In fact, they saw it twice! Miraculously Jesus fed 5000 and then 4000, all with a very limited supply of bread!

Hello! How could these guys be so dumb! How could they miss this? And then I felt the nudging of the Holy Spirit -- "what about it, Welte? Do you not get it? Do you not understand whose ministry this is? It is my ministry. I have taken care of it for 111 years, 12 of those without your help!" Gulp!

I wrote in my journal, "Lord, I am as dumb as the twelve. I just don't get it. You display your glory day in and day out in hundreds of ways, and I still don't trust you. If you can take care of us in January, can you not do that in February and March? You know how much we need to care for bills and payroll. As the man cried out in the New Testament -- 'Lord, I believe! Help my unbelief!"

And guess what -- God already had the answer the way. We needed $3,000 today to cover the bills due this week. We also need payroll for next week. And got sent in an unexpected gift of $50,000 today! To God be the glory. The Lord moved me from fear and fretting to faith and victory! Hallelujah!

Is God stretching your faith today, my friend? If He can meet the needs of America's KESWICK, He can meet your need today. Will you trust Him? I know one friend that needs to hear this today! Hold on, brother ... the answer is on the way! -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for TODAY: Proverbs 27; Numbers 15-16; Mark 6:1-29

Great Quote: (continued from yesterday) God has given us prayer as a wartimewalkie-talkie so that we can call headquarters for everything we need as the kingdom of Christ advances in the world. Prayer gives us the significance of front-line forces, and gives God the glory of a limitless Provider. The one who gives the power gets the glory. Thus prayer safeguards the supremacy of God in missions while linking us with endless grace for every need. John Piper

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