Saturday, February 07, 2009

Authority and Amazement

Authority and Amazement

"And they were astonished at His teaching, for He taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes." Mark 1:22

It would have been such a thrill to hear Jesus teach. I would love to have heard His voice and watch his mannerisms as He taught. Although I never got to hear His audible voice, I do know about His teaching style. Apparently, He was not apologetic when he spoke. In fact, in contrast to other teachers of the day, Jesus spoke with authority (verse 22). The Greek word for authority is exousia. It means the power of one whose will and commands must be obeyed by others. Jesus taught as if He expected to be obeyed. He didn’t ask permission. Whereas the other teachers who were engaged in public discourse presented regulations, Jesus presented the possibility of a relationship. He was forceful and compelling.

As I examine my teaching style I want to honor that fine line between arrogance and authority. It is possible for us to assume that volume equals authority. If I raise my voice and pound on the podium, will that make me sound more authoritative? Jesus did not dazzle His audience with volume or theatrics. He showed them His authority. Note verse 27b: He even gives orders to evil spirits and they obey Him. We see the same thought in 4:41 of Mark: Even the winds and the waves obey Him.

What was the response of those who heard our Lord speak? Amazement. Not resentment or bitterness or unbelief. They were amazed. As we address our culture in the name of our Lord, the same thing can happen. We ought to tell such compelling stories of the God who has reached to us in Jesus Christ, that people who hear us are amazed. They should be amazed by the content of the story and amazed by our clarity and passion. When was the last time we spoke the good news of Jesus and left the hearers with their mouth hanging open?

Imitate our Lord Christ. Address the powers of evil with authority. It is time for us to stop apologizing that we are followers of Christ. We dare not be arrogant when speaking, but we certainly may be authoritative.

Dr. Richard Allen Farmer will be a speaker for our 2009 Summer THINK VICTORY Conference

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 7; Leviticus 1-3; Matthew 24:1-28

Great Quote: A hearse is a poor vehicle to start attending church in. Anonymous

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