Thursday, January 01, 2009


Join us today at 9:45 AM for the live webcast of my President's Update followed by the session with Pastor Robby Richardson at 10:45 AM. Watch live by visiting our new website:

Thus Far

"Thus far the Lord has helped us." 1 Samuel 7:12

Yesterday morning I was awake early in the morning with some very heavy burdens on my heart. I wasn't necessarily wrestless, but my heart was heavy and it made it hard to sleep.

I shared the burden with the Lord and went back to sleep. When I woke up to have my quiet time, I opened the daily devotional reading from Daily Light and read two verses that jumped off the page: "Cast your burden on the Lord and HE will sustain you; and He will never allow the righteous to be shaken" (Psalm 55:22) and "Thus far the Lord has helped us."

Now those verses spoke to my heart in an amazing way -- a reminder that God KNEW about my situation. I turned to the next devotional book and as I opened the pages to the date, the verse on the page was "Thus far the Lord has helped us!"

But the amazing thing was that the Holy Spirit prompted me to read one more devotional. As I opened the pages to the date, I was amazed, and started to laugh -- "Oh God -- I think you are trying to tell me something!" The verse for the day? "Thus far the Lord has helped us."

For 30 minutes I rehearsed the many ways that the Lord has helped us this year. My heart was overflowing with praise and expectancy. How will God help us through this current situation we are facing? I don't know the HOW, but I do know that WHEN He helps us, it will be in HIS time, in HIS way, and for HIS glory.

What are you facing? Be reminded of the truth -- the Lord IS our helper in the day of trouble. With His help, I want to remember that on day one of 2009. On behalf of the Board and staff of America's KESWICK, HAPPY NEW YEAR. -- Bill Welte is the President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 1; Genesis 1; Matthew 1

Great Quote: We must bear in mind that mere resolutions to take more time for prayer and to conquer reluctance to pray will not prove lastingly effective unless there is a whole hearted and absolute surrender to the Lord Jesus Christ. --Anonymous

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