Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Search My Heart Part 5

Search the Heart (Part 5)

We are on the home stretch of questions for you to use to diagnose your "spiritual" heart. Here are today's probing questions for your consideration:

27) How do you spend your time? What are your daily priorities? What things do you invest your time in every day?

28) What are your fantasies? What are your dreams at night? What do you daydream about?

29) What is your belief system? What beliefs do you hold about life, God, yourself, others? What is your worldview? What is your personal 'mythology' that structures the way you interpret things? What are you specific beliefs about your present situation? What do you value?

30) What are your idols or false gods? In what do you place your trust or set your hopes? What do you consistently turn to or regularly seek? Where do you take refuge? Who is the savior, judge, controller of your world? Whom do you serve? What voice controls you?

31) In what ways do you live for yourself?

32) In what ways do you live as a slave to the devil? Where are you susceptible to his lies? Where do you give in to deceit?

33) When do you say, "If only..."? Our "if onlys" actually define our vision of paradise. They picture our biggest fears and greatest disappointments. They can reveal where we tend to envy others. They picture where we wish we could rewrite our life story. They picture where we are dissatisfied and what we crave.

34) What instinctively feels right to you? What are your opinions -- those things that you feel are true? -- XRay Questions by David Powlison

These are the 34 questions that I am asking myself. How about you? -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 23; Nahum; Revelation 14

Great Quote: Divine love is perfect peace and joy, it is a freedom from all disquiet, it is all content and happiness; and makes everything to rejoice in
itself. Love is the Christ of God; wherever it comes, it comes as the blessing and happiness of every natural life, a redeemer from all evil, a fulfiller of all righteousness, and a peace of God, which passeth all of things, nothing is uneasy,
unsatisfied, or restless, but because it is not governed by love, or because its nature has not reached or attained the full birth of the spirit of love. For when that is done, every hunger is satisfied, and all complaining, murmuring, accusing, resenting,revenging, and striving, are as totally suppressed and overcome, as the coldness, thickness, and horror of darkness are suppressed and overcome by the breaking forth of the light.-- William Law

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