Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Decline of Godly Leadership (Part 2)

The Decline of Godly Leadership (Part 2)

Yesterday I shared two points from an article written by the late Dr. A. W. Tozer's new biography, "A PASSION FOR GOD -- THE SPIRITUAL JOURNEY OF A.W. TOZER.

The third point is that the Christian world needs leaders that are UNCOMPROMISING. Listen to his poignant words:

"The need today is for leaders identified so fully with the cross-carry Jesus that they have no life apart from Him, no ambition except to make Him appear glorious in the sight of men. Such as these will seek no place, no reputation. Christ Himself will be their glory and all.

He is a poor and wretched example of a Christian who will accept a seat at a banquet where His Lord is not welcome, who will bask in the sunshine of a friendship which His Lord cannot share. The true servant will ask nothing better than to be where Jesus is, to stand or fall with Him in the favor of men, to suffer or to rejoice with Him at all times.

At times like this every real Christian must make his decision, whether he will drift along with the religious times, weakly going wherever the noisy promoters take him, or whether he shall stand to resist the movements which tend away from the sound and solid teachings of spiritual religion.

The Christian with spiritual vision and courage to follow it will not take long to hesitate which course to take. He will set his house in order and prepare to bear his cross along with his Savior."

My prayer in 2009 is that I will be a leader in every area of my life that is uncompromising. Will you pray with me to that end? I'll do the same for you. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 30; Zechariah 13-14; Revelation 21

Great Quote: As to the importance of the children of God opening their hearts to each other, especially when they are getting in a cold state, or are under the power of a certain sin, or are in especial difficulty; I know from my own experience how often the snare of the devil has been broken when under the power of sin; how often the heart has been comforted when nigh to be overwhelmed; how often advice, and great perplexity, has been
obtained, - by opening my heart to a brother in whom I had confidence.We are children of the same family, and ought therefore to be helpers one of another. -- George Muller

Check out this week's STEWARDSHIP INSIGHT from George: http://www.americaskeswick.org/363836.ihtml#h_6177 This is a great resource. Why not encourage a friend to join George's blog.

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