Monday, December 29, 2008

The Decline in Godly Leadership

The Decline in Godly Leadership

One of my favorite authors is A. W. Tozer. I have read some increbile sermons that he preached, and this fall, I read a brand new biography on his life. The second appendix to this new book is an article that A.W. wrote in 1946 concerning the topic of Godly Leadership.

His words written so many years ago are so up-to-date and necessary for us to hear today -- "The active leadership of the gospel wing of the Church in America has in recent years largely passed out of the hands of men of solid Christian character, and has gone over into the control of young men who are remarkable neither for their learning nor their godliness, but who possess a fair talent for successful promotion. Gravity has been pushed aside to make place for cleverness, and the novice is now in the saddle in direct violation of the solemn warning of the Apostle Paul."

Tozer suggests that we have 1) No Spiritual Giants 2) Unworthy Programs, and 3) Uncompromising Leaders.

I want to share the three points with you over the next two days:

1. No Spiritual Giants -- "Sound, God-honoring believers in our day have to a large degreee surrendered their leadership to lesser men who are not their equal in godliness but who are hungry for power and so ready to take over at the first opportunity."

2. Unworthy Programs: "Many of our latter day gospel programs bear a disturbing similiarity to the familiar radio show. All the elements are there: The sponsor, the product, the artists, the show, and the commercials. The sponsor who is assumed to be back of it all is the Lord; the product is the gospel; the 'artists' are the variuous stars of the evangelistic firmament both speakers and singers; the show is the demonstration these stars put on for the amusement of the public; and the commercial is the dutiful plug which is introduced every so often in favor of the Lord and the gospel. The whole thing is a fair imitation of a soap opera. The discriminating listener is left with the feeling that the artist has a following altogether apart from his sponsor, and that if he were to switch sponsors, his fans would simply switch with him and go right on enjoying the program.

Brethren, these things ought not to be. The true witness has no 'act' apart from the Lord. His act is to reveal his Lord. He will have no acceptance where his Lord is rejected, and he us accepted only as and where his Lord is welcomed. Samuel was rejected from ruling over Israel, but only after Israel had first rejected God." (from A PASSION FOR GOD -- THE SPIRITUAL JOURNEY OF A.W. TOZER -- Moody Press 2008)

As the President and CEO of America's KESWICK, I want to be sure that we are smack dab in the center of God's will in every area of our ministry. To be sure, we are thankful for the godly men and women who serve on our Board of Trustees, and I am very thankful for the men and women who surround me on our Administrative team.

While our desire is that our programs and conferences are relevant, they must not be at the risk of compromise of the message, conformity to what people want vs. what God wants to say through His Word, or to be just entertainment and what I call "fluff-'n-stuff."

We covent your prayers as we move forward into 2009. Much of that will depend on our leaders, which is the third point in Tozer's outline which I will share tomorrow. -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

As we approach the end of 2008, would you please give prayerful consideration to a year-end gift for the ministry of addiction recovery? You can give right from our website ( or call 800-453-7942. Thank you for your consideration.

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 29; Zechariah 9-12; Revelation 20

Great Quote: The devil would just as soon send you to hell from the pew as he had the gutter. -- Dr. Adrian Rogers

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