Monday, November 24, 2008

Inexcusable, Irreverant and Ingratitude


A missionary after being in India for a year had a Hindu ask him. When did you write and how did you know that we were so bad (referring to Romans chapter 1)? He said that he had not written it. It was written about 2000 years ago by someone who knew nothing about you.

We are without excuse because when we knew God we did not give Him the reverence due Him. I used to believe that very intelligent men (we call Scientists) looked at the evidence that we see all around us and determined that God never existed. We call them wise but God calls them fools.

Abe Lincoln used this conundrum: How many legs does a dog have. Answer: four. If we call his tail a leg how many legs does a dog have. Answer: four and what some fool calls a leg. They look at God's creation and see no need for an "Intelligent design" called creation. Once you determine that there is no God the only thing left is "Chance". They know God exists the only wish that he didn't.

It matters little if they know God or not for their behavior is the same. Perhaps if they could know that there is no God they would feel less guilt. But we say that we know God.

How often do you think about God? How does this knowledge affect our behavior? The Psalmist says that the wicked man does not have God in all of His thoughts. When you come to church Sunday to Sunday you think of God but what about the days in between. It is good that the Church has Christmas and Easter for at least twice a year people think of God.

Some like to brag that they are agnostics. Now that is a Greek word while the Latin word in Ignoramus. I do not know why anyone would be proud of their ignorance!

If we know God and never talk to God or listen for God to speak to us, how do we differ from others. If we had a son or daughter who daily came to breakfast, dinner and supper and refused to speak or take part in table talk we would soon send them away. How does God feel when we ignore Him?

God wants to hear from us even when we do not want what He wants. Remember how His Son did not want "the cup" that His Father gave Him. Like Jesus, after we have told Him all of your heart we need to say, "Not my will, But Thine alone."

Do we come humbly before Him? Do we take time to thank Him? Thank him for all that He has given you. Thank Him for the many things He has not given you! Thank Him for a night of rest. Thank Him for whatever health you have. D. L. Moody and Sankey were walking past an "insane asylum" when a patient called out, "Did you ever thank God for your mind?" Both men answered the question and knelt on the gravel road and on the spot thanked God. As a small child I resented my father before a thanksgiving meal thanking God for His bounty as we ate my bantam rooster and a squab that had fallen from its nest.

I later learned to thank God that my father was able to work. I even thank Him when I am only able to sit up and take nourishment. Are we thankful that He went to all the trouble to write His thoughts in a book. A habit of "Daily Devotions" helps us to listen for God's will and to dedicate our day to God.

Inexcusable, Irreverence and Ingratitude
Romans 1: 20-21
God clearly says that they are without an excuse.
They were Inexcusable because of knowing God.
For while they knew Him they failed to give Him honor
As daily they neglected Him as on His good earth they trod

They did not pay Him homage as they surely should,
He was not in all their thoughts even when they were good.
They never talked to Him as children ought to do,
They never sought Him out their whole lives through.

What more could He do to help them change their ways?
He gave the Ten Commandments to help them grow.
He even wrote a letter that made up quite a Book
They did not read to find out what God wanted them to know.

They may have known Him but they did not trust Him,
For their hearts were so hardened.
They never received from Him
His special blood bought pardon.

Even that is not the end of God's charges against men
For if they truly knew Him (as He said they do) They never even took the time to think or even to
Say the words our children learn, "Thank You"

"Thank you for the night of rest and the morning dew
Thank you for loving us as you always do Thank you for our safety and keeping us from harm
Thank you for your peace that keeps us from alarm

"Thank you for our health and strength all day long
Thank you for the job we had even if it's gone Thank you for not failing us when we have failed you
Thank you for mercies that are always new

"Thank you for seeking us when we would hide from you
Thank you for sending your Son and seeing Him through The pain and bloody cross and while we were slow to repent
You loved us and love us through the Son you sent"

Forgive us for the way we treated YOU.
Forgive us for our ingratitude.
Thank you for changing our hearts
And giving us a new attitude! November 16, 2008 Today's Freedom Fighter was written by Pastor George Van Sandt

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 24; Ezekiel 22-23; 1 Peter 1

Think About This: We never know how much real faith we have until it is put to the test in some fierce storm; and that is the reason why the Saviour is on board. If you are ever to be strong in the Lord and the power of His might, your strength will be born in some storm.

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