Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Flight 93

Flight 93

On Sunday we had the amazing privilege of visiting the temporary Flight 93 Memorial in Shanksville, PA with the group that traveled with us to Branson. It was a very meaningful but emotional time for all of us.

Our group joined me in spending some time to reflect upon the heroes of Flight 93 who valiantly and heroically gave their lives for our freedom on September 11th. As many of you know, two of our America's KESWICK family were passengers on Flight 93. They were the only husband and wife on the plane that morning.

Minutes before the plane crashed into the field in Shanksville, the terrorist pilot flying the plane began to rock the plane side to side to keep the passengers from moving into the cock pit area. The crested the hill at 500 miles per hour, and realizing their plan was unraveling, he flipped the plane so that when they crashed, the plane was upside down.

Since 9/11, we have had several memorial services to honor Don and Jean Peterson and the other victims of the terrorist attack on American soil. But there was something very special about being right there where it took place. Standing at the sight overlooking the field my heart was filled with thankfulness to the Lord for the friendship we all enjoyed with Don and Jean. They were truly a unique couple who gave of themselves in so many so that others could enjoy life. From Colony men and their wives to widows and widowers, to members of our staff who were in need, Don and Jean were all about loving and serving people.

After some spoken remarks that I shared with our group, we stood and sang "My Country 'Tis of Thee," "America the Beautiful," and "God Bless America." During our week in Branson, every show that we visited took time to honor our veterans. It is a very patriotic town and each show wanted to express their gratitude and thanksgiving to the men and women who have served in our Armed Forces to protect and preserve our freedoms. Singing those songs at the crash site reminded me that the thousands who lost their lives in the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and at Shanksville, were also heroes that we need to be thankful for at this time of the year.

I know that we are not a perfect nation, but I am very thankful today for our country and the freedoms that we still enjoy. I am very thankful today for the heroes that gave their lives on September 11th. I am very thankful today for Don and Jean Peterson. Thank You, Lord, for these patriots! Thank You, Lord, for the testimony of their lives. Thank You, Lord, that it is not too late for America to turn back to You. May God bless America, and may we as a nation turn back and once again bless the God to whom our founding fathers declared unashamedly, "In God We Trust!" - Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 25; Ezekiel 24-26; 1 Peter 2

Think About This: That thing that is not coming to you may seem good. But either the timing is wrong, or from His position He can see that the future of it is bleak. I have always believed that people who thank God only for delivering them from what happened are just scraping the surface of praise. The real praise comes when you start thanking Him for what could have happened but didn't because of His swift grace! -- T. D. Jakes

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