Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Ten Reasons for Hope


"Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." - Romans 15:13

Dr. Robertson McQuilken, one of my spiritual heroes, was a speaker this summer at America's KESWICK. He shared a message on Thursday evening entitled TEN REASONS FOR HOPE that really touched my heart.

Think about these as you begin this new week on your journey with Christ:

1. It could be so much worse.
2. Blessings are abundant-focus on them.
3. God is faithful-rely on him.
4. God is good.
5. Suffering is not forever.
6. God weeps with you.
7. Trouble is part of our human existence.
8. You deserve more trouble than you get.
9. Always remember--God is with you.
10. You are redeemed, you have hope...for eternity.

Now re-read the verse for today from Romans 15:13! The God of Hope is the one who fills you and me JOY and PEACE and ABOUNDING HOPE! Revel in that today. YOU HAVE HOPE, brothers! -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for TODAY: Psalm 137-139; Proverbs 2; 1 Corinthians 13

Great Quote: No faith is required to do the possible; actually only a morsel of this atom-powered stuff is needed to do the impossible, for a piece as large as a mustard seed will do more than we have ever dreamed of. -- Leonard Ravenhill

I'd like to send you Dr. McQuilken's message on TEN REASONS FOR HOPE on CD. If you'd like a copy, please respond to this email with your mailing address. God bless you.

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