Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Pigeon or Statute


"Blessed are you when men cast insults at you, and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely, on account of Me. Rejoice, and be glad, for your reward in heaven is great, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you." Matthew 5:11-12

Someone once said that for leaders some days you are the pigeon and some days you are the statute. Some days are like that - yesterday was one of those days for me.

This summer we had the privilege of meeting one of the writers for World Magazine, Andree Seu. She is an incredible writer who has a full page essay in every issue of the magazine. Prior to meeting her, I'd always open the magazine and go right to her article. She is a gifted wordsmith.

Andree wrote several blogs about America's KESWICK on the World Magazine Blog. The interesting thing about blogging is that people have the ability to comment and react to your blogs online and everyone gets to read their comments. I was stunned at the criticism and cutthroat responses to what she wrote. People were not just criticizing her - they were getting downright nasty and sarcastic with their comments.

I am not sure what has happened in our world - but it seems to me that we have become so free with how we toss around criticism and insults these days. On several occasions I have found myself stunned at the freedom at which people say things to their supervisors and leaders. In recent days I have been amazed at how people so freely and unlovingly criticize their church, their spiritual leaders, ripping them to shreds with their tongues.

Even worse than the tongue is the use of the pen which is mightier than the sword. Men and women have used email as their vehicle to pour out their poisonous and vicious tirade of words to cut the reader down to his or her knees. I have often said that most of us would never have the guts to say face-to-face what we might write in an email or letter.

Criticism is tough stuff. Depending on your personality style, how you handle criticism and the hurtful things people say can be even more difficult. Some can just brush off the comments and let it go. Others are hurt and wallow in self-pity. Some get cynical and say, "What's the use - it's time for me to move on where I'll be appreciated."

During the night the Holy Spirit reminded me of the above verses from the Sermon on the Mount. Is it really possible to do what Jesus said - "bless them that persecute you?" Absolutely not. We can only do that as we allow Christ to BE our life and live HIS life through us. That's the only way that we can live this thing called the Victorious Christian Life. When we allow Him to live His life through us - then we can be "more than a conqueror" and face criticism the way He would want us to handle it. Give Him the freedom to live through you today. - Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 6-7; Proverbs 9; 2 Corinthians 2

Great Quote: By gracious powers so wonderfully sheltered, and confidently waiting come what may, we know that God is with us night and morning, and never fails to greet us each new day. Yet is this heart by its old foe tormented, still evil days bring burdens hard to bear; Oh, give our frightened souls the sure salvation for which, O Lord, You taught us to prepare. And when this cup You give is filled to brimming with bitter suffering, hard to understand, we take it thankfully and without trembling, out of so good and so beloved a hand. Yet when again in this same world You give us the joy we had, the brightness of Your Sun, we shall remember all the days we lived through, and our whole life shall then be Yours alone. Dietrich Bonhoeffer

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