Friday, September 05, 2008

Little Tim

Little Tim

"And they were bringing children to him that he might touch them, and the disciples rebuked them. But when Jesus saw it, He was indignant and said to them "Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter in." And He took them in His arms and blessed them, laying His hands on them." Mark 10: 13-16

With his Dad sitting right there with us, a young man named Tim began to tell me about his grandmother. We were having a turkey dinner with all the works to include some healthy veggies. "My grand mom likes chicken and veggies" he said to me. "But she's not a Christian." My response was "I know how that feels Tim sometimes I wondered about my grandparents believing in Jesus like I do." Tim then went to tell me that he had to tell her if she was not a Christian she was going to hell. "Well at least it will be warm" was her response to this young man of God.

Tim's father, Jason, had been listening as well and was telling his son to keep on praying and watch what God will do. "Hey Tim, can I pray for your grandma?" I said. And with an enthusiastic nod of his head the three of us stopped our meal and prayed. This happened only a few weeks ago in the "Gathering Place" at Keswick and I haven't forgotten it. And once in awhile when I am questioning my position with my Lord and Savior, I think of a young man named Tim.

One time last school year my daughter raised her voice in defense of what she has been taught about creation. She came home upset that she was not received well. "They are going to hell because they think we came from monkeys or aliens, they need to know the truth" my daughter had told us. She defended the faith in school and was slightly chastened. That does not sit well with my little girl to this day.

And when I go to wake my 13 year old son up in the morning during the school year, I know I'll be waking up the next generation of Freedom Fighters. And I'll be making sure that, as his earthly father, I guide him through the understanding of putting on the armor. That no matter what they say it is God who works in you for His good purpose. That it is better to trust the Lord than to put your confidence in anything else. Maybe that's just the best educational thing a father can do. What are doing for the little children brother? Are you doing what Jesus did?

Here's a good quote;
"You cannot, with integrity, tell your child that if he tries enough, if he is good enough, if he really wants it, he can be what God has called him to be. He can't. It is not native to him apart from God's grace and enablement. Nor can you make the more common mistake. You cannot try to build good qualities of character within him without reference to God. Many people conclude that if their child is not a believer, they cannot urge him to his duty in light of who God is. If you don't call him to be what God has called him to be, you end up giving him a standard of performance that is within the realm of his native abilities apart from God's grace." -- Shepherding A Child's Heart --Ted Tripp -- Chris Hughes is a graduate of the Colony of Mercy

God's WORD for YOU -- Psalm 146-147; Proverbs 5; 1 Corinthians 15:1-28

Great Quote: Prayer must carry on our work as much as preaching; he preacheth not heartily to his people that will not pray for them. Richard Baxter

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