Friday, September 19, 2008

How Can I Find Courage in the Face of Stiff Challenges?


"Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or tremble at them, for the Lord your God is the one who goes with you. He will not fail you or forsake you." Deuteronomy 31:6

Someone recently put this devotional in my box at work. I can't give credit for the source as it was not listed, so I trust the Lord will forgive me. It was a powerful reading that we can all benefit by it.

"Any time God requires me to face trials and tribulations, He always provides the courage to meet the demand. Moses and Joshua were men of great courage -- not merely human courage, but courage rooted in the sovereignty of God.

What can we learn from Moses and Joshua?

DEFEAT IS NEVER A VIABLE OPTION FOR THE PERSON OF COURAGE. Even though Moses faced Pharaoh's mighty armies and Joshua faced many foes that impeded Israel's claim to Canaan, they never considered defeat an option. People of courage refuse to look for ways of escape. They set their gaze on advancement and victory. Never go into battle entertaining thoughts of defeat; you will lose every time. Men and women of courage know their success lies with an unshakable God.

COURAGEOUS PEOPLE RECALL PAST VICTORIES AND GOD'S FAITHFULNESS. Whenever Moses or Joshua would face a new battle or obstacle, they could recall how God had strengthened them in the past.

COURAGE IS A RESULT OF HAVING THE RIGHT ATTITUDE. Both Moses and Joshua realized that they could not win in their own strength. They knew God had to be with Israel or they would suffer defeat.

COURAGEOUS PEOPLE LOOK TO GOD AND TRUST HIS JUDGMENT. Both Moses and Joshua faced opposition -- and not only from the outside nations. The Israelites often grumbled and sinned. However, their faithlessness did not sway Moses or Joshua. Every time God calls you to follow Him, expect opposition, even from surprising sources. Yet, mere men cannot penetrate nor defeat God-centered faith!

GENUINE COURAGE IS NOT CHILLED BY INNER FEARS OR OUTWARD DIFFICULTIES. The attributes and characteristics of courage turn a deaf ear to those who refuse to believe God. Take time to study God's WORD and apply HIS principles to your life. You can always face your enemies head on when you stand on the promise of God's WORD.

A COURAGEOUS PERSON APPLIES RESOURCES AT HAND IN CREATIVE WAYS. At God's command, Moses struck a stone and water flowed forth (Exodus 17:6) God always provides for His children, and often does so in a matter that grows our faith.

A PERSON WITH THE ATTRIBUTE OF COURAGE CONFRONTS AN OPPONENT WITH CONFIDENCE THAT HE WILL ULTIMATELY SUCCEED. When we face life's trials as Moses and Joshua did, by faith, we become men and women of courage -- and the victory is always ours."

Are you a man of courage today, my dear brother? Allow God to speak to your heart and make you a man of courage. -- Bill Welte, President and CEO of America's KESWICK

Next week financial consultant, Bernie Bostwick, from Ambassador Advisors will be sharing a five part series on stewardship. Very timely in light of all that is happening in our world right now. Don't miss it.

God's WORD for YOU -- Proverbs 19; Ecclesiastes 1-3; 2 Corinthians 11:16-23

Great Quote: He that carries bitterness to bed with him will find the devil creeping between the sheets. -- William Secher

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