Saturday, September 13, 2008

Are You And Adrenaline Addict?


"Cease striving and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10

Dr. Ed Welch, in his book, ADDICTION - A BANQUET IN THE GRAVE, writes that "addiction is bondage to a rule of a substance, activity, or state of mind, which then becomes the center of life, defending itself from the truth so that even bad consequences don't bring repentance and lead to further estrangement from God."

We think we are off the hook regarding addiction if we aren't drinking alcohol, using drugs, smoking, gambling or dabbling in porn. But there are hundreds of us that are addicted to adrenaline. We are known as the TYPE A personalities. Life for us is constant motion. Rest is not a part of our vocabulary. That is why a weekly Sabbath rest is even heard for us.

In her book, HOW DID I GET SO BUSY, Valerie Burton says that an adrenaline's mantra is "hurry up." We walk fast. Talk fast. Eat fast. Drive fast. Work fast. Write fast. In fact, here are just a few of the symptoms of adrenaline addiction:

* The more pressure you are under, the better you perform.
* Checking items off your to-do list excites you and makes you feel like you are really accomplishing something,
* You feel guilty about taking breaks in the middle of the day, let alone a vacation.
* You feel anxious when you do not have your cell phone, internet connection, or text message device. You need to be in constant contact with people.
* You procrastinate until the last possible start time that will allow you to meet your deadline. You are driven by deadlines.
* If you weren't so busy, you'd have time to exercise.
* If you weren't so busy, you'd have more time to get together with people.
* You are spent and exhausted at the end of the day.
* You're not content unless there is excitement in your life.
* Your friends and family just have to understand, your work is demanding and doesn't leave a lot of time for socializing.
* You need to be doing something all the time.
* You are restless on uneventful vacations. It is uncomfortable to sit around doing nothing.
* You eat on the run - often in the car, at your desk, or standing up at the kitchen counter.

And sadly, we don't have time for God - we're too busy moving through life at a frantic pace. My friend - are you addicted to adrenaline? The psalmist, David, comes along as says - "Cease striving - be still - and know that I am God." Do you need to check in to the spiritual rehab and look at this addiction in your life? Was this list just way to convicting? Carve out some time today to think it through and then make a commitment to get help. Talk to God about it and allow Him to take control of this area of your life. - Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK.

God's WORD for YOU: Proverbs 13; Proverbs 16-18; 2 Corinthians 6

Great Quote: It is folly to conclude that a thing ought not to be done because it hurts. There are powers to be born, creations to be perfected, sinners to be redeemed all through the ministry of pain, that could be born, perfected and redeemed in no other way. -- George Macdonald

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