Saturday, August 02, 2008

Walking the Walk

"Walking the Walk" (1 John 2:6)

A relationship with Jesus Christ brings some expectations with it. In my opinion, one of the big problems with American Christianity is that many of us ignore those expectations. We live as though Jesus just wants to save us without any concern for how we live.

Let me ask you to consider one verse of Scripture that addresses the issue. "He who says he abides in Him ought himself to walk just as He walked." (1 John 2:6) The Apostle John lays it out for us clearly. No follower of Jesus has any reason to misunderstand. If we say we walk with Jesus (abide with Him), then we need to live the way He lived (walk as He walked).

Allow me to suggest some things about Jesus life that ought to show in our lives when we try to walk as He walked. Jesus walked in holiness. He lived a life marked by purity-without sin. All of us know that we will not live completely without sin. Too many of us, though, pursue holiness only lightly, if at all. Choosing to walk as Jesus walked brings with it the expectation of holiness.

Jesus also walked in love. He loved His Father. He loved children. He loved the men who learned from Him. He loved the people to whom He ministered. He even loved those who rejected Him. Do you remember Jesus weeping over Jerusalem? Jesus didn't just love. He told us that we, too, must love. In a day when Christians live in so much conflict, where is the love? Choosing to walk as Jesus walked brings with it the expectation of love.

Jesus also walked in the Word. He knew the Word, and He knew how to use the Word for good. When tempted by Satan, He went to the Word. When challenged by skeptics, He gave them the Word. He introduced His ministry by taking His hearers to the Word. He integrated the Word of God into every facet of His life. Choosing to walk as Jesus walked brings with it the expectation that you and I will know and apply God's Word to our lives . . . all of our lives.

Claiming to walk with Jesus is not enough. We who say we walk with Him must meet the standard of God's Word. That standard says that those who say they walk with Jesus ought to walk as Jesus walked. That leaves each of us with one question: How are we doing? -- Pastor John Strain is Senior Pastor First Baptist Toms River

God's WORD for YOU: Psalm 60-62; Romans 5

Great Quote "I realize that I am not used to the image of God throwing a party. It seems to contradict the solemnity and seriousness I have always attached to God. But when I think about the ways in which Jesus describes God's Kingdom, a joyful banquet is often at its center...This invitation to a meal is an invitation to intimacy with God...Celebration belongs to God's Kingdom. God not only offers forgiveness, reconciliation, and healing, but wants to lift up these gifts as a source of joy for all who witness them." Henri Nouwen, The Return of the Prodigal Son

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