Sunday, August 03, 2008

Learning to Walk the Walk

Learning to Walk the Walk (1 John 1:5-9)

I asked you yesterday to think with me about walking as Jesus walked. That simple concept is the expectation that comes with knowing Jesus as Lord and Savior. To say we follow Jesus when we do not walk as He walked puts us in conflict with the clear teaching of Scripture. That walk with Jesus (when we walk like Him) will see our lives marked by holiness, love, and continuing exposure to God's Word.

It occurred to me that we might need to think about how this "walking like He walked" develops in our lives. Knowing what we are supposed to do and how to do it is not always the same thing. Since John gave us the instruction to walk as He walked, I thought I would spend some time in 1 John and try to discover some help for the walk. Here is what I found

The first thing I noticed, in 1 John 1:5&6 is that we avoid darkness. If we were reading Paul's writings, we would hear him telling us to "put off the works of darkness." To walk as Jesus walked means that we are actively engaged in getting rid of the darkness. We do that by living a life increasingly yielded to the Holy Spirit. People who walk as Jesus walked refuse to tolerate darkness in their lives.

I also noticed that those who want to walk as He walked live in the light. (1 John 1:7) We choose light. We pursue light. We thrive on the light. Again, if we were listening to Paul, we would hear him tell us to "put on the new man." Part of the yielding to the Holy Spirit draws darkness out of us. Yielding also brings light into us-the kind of light that empowers us to walk as Jesus walked.

John also tells us that those who want to walk as Jesus walked must get rid of darkness when it slips into our lives. Since we are not yet perfect, we struggle. A friend of mine, Dick Burr, speaks of "the residue of the flesh" that continually tries to stir up the old nature. We deal with that residue by readily confessing our sin when it comes into our lives. Be sure to read 1 John 1:8-10.

These things are not the sum total that will help us walk as He walked. They provide a good start for us, however. We avoid darkness at all costs. We diligently pursue the light of God's Word and work in our lives. We confess our sin when darkness rears its ugly head.

Join me in the life-long effort to walk as He walked. It is Jesus' expectation for each of our lives. -- Pastor John Strain is senior Pastor First Baptist Toms River

God's WORD for YOU: Psalm 63-65; Romans 6

Great Quote: God's ability to perform is far beyond our prayers - even our greatest prayers! I have recently been thinking of some of the requests I have made of Him innumerable times in my prayers. And what have I requested? I have asked for a cupful, while He owns the entire ocean! I have asked for one simple ray of light, while He holds the sun! My best asking falls immeasurably short of my Father's ability to give, which is far beyond what we could ever ask. - John Henry Jowett

Join us this week to hear Dr. David Epstein, Senior Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church, New York City. Check out the our website for details:

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