Sunday, July 20, 2008

Standing in the Gap -- Part 2

Standing in the Gap, Part 2 (Ezekiel 22:30)

Hear again what God said to Ezekiel in chapter 22, verse 30: "So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one."

We thought about "standing in the gap" yesterday for a friend or family member. People who stand in the gap are AWARE of what is going on in the lives of those they for whom they care. We pay attention to the relationships God gives us. Those who stand in the gap also make themselves AVAILABLE. We don't make excuses to avoid getting involved.

We're not willing to let someone else do it . . . even when it is hard. Finally, we considered "stand in the gap" people as ASSERTIVE people. They choose to get involved when they know someone needs them. Sometimes they don't even wait for an invitation; they care enough to insert themselves when needed.

We also need to think about what we might call "qualifications" for those who stand in the gap. Like anything else, we do for work or fun; we have to know some things before we can do some things. Think with me about some qualities that should exist in your life and mine if we are going to stand in the gap for a friend or family member.

First, we must be people who have an increasing knowledge of God's Word.
If we are going to stand in the gap between God and a friend, we have to know what God says about many different kinds of situations. Times will come when we need to say, "Thus saith the Lord." We cannot do that if we don't know what God says.

I also think we need to be people who walk in the Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the One by whom we will know that standing in the gap is necessary. He will let us know when some friend is in trouble and needs us. Almost forty years ago, I was working in New Castle, DE. I had been home to Texas for vacation and stretched it as far as I could. I was driving back to New Castle on Saturday night into Sunday morning. I could hardly keep my eyes open.

That morning in church one of our elderly ladies came to me and asked me if I was OK. I told her that I was. She then told me that she woke up during the night before (Saturday) and sensed God's Spirit telling her to pray for me. She did not know why, but she sensed I was in danger.

I am convinced after all these years that without knowing, she was standing in the gap for me that night. I might not have made it home without those prayers. We need to walk in the Spirit to know He is prompting when to get in the gap.

Finally, those who stand in the gap must be people of wisdom. Anyone who wants wisdom can have it. God told us in the Epistle of James that all we have to do is ask. Wisdom is the ability to live life skillfully, and it comes from knowing God's Word and allowing God's Spirit to work it into the fabric of our lives. The more you and I grow in wisdom, the better we can stand in the gap.

I am glad people have stand in the gap for me. I pray God will help all of us who read Freedom Fighter to stand in the gap when those who are important to us need us. - John Strain is Senior Pastor of First Baptist Toms River

God's WORD for YOU: Psalm 26-28; Acts 22

Think About This: Almighty God in whom we live and move and have our being, You have made us for Yourself, so that our hearts are restless until they have rest in You; grant us purity or heart and strength of purpose, that no selfish passion may hinder us from knowing Your will, no weakness from doing it; but that in Your light we may see light clearly, and in Your service find our perfect freedom; through Jesus Christ our Lord. - Saint Augustine

Join us tonight for our first session of Victory Week #1 with Dr.
Charles Zimmerman. We will have seven graduations from the Colony of Mercy. The session tonight will be in the Activity Center at 7:00 PM.

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