Monday, July 21, 2008

Finally Home


Yesterday , after a brief but hard battle, Pastor Bill Raws went home to be with Jesus shortly before 6:00 PM. Pastor Bill has been in the hospital for the past six weeks battle an infection, congestive heart failure and ARDS (Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome). While we were praying for his physical healing, God's plan was for a divine healing.

For me personally, the loss is huge. For me personally, Pastor Bill was one of those amazing men that God brought into my life, a relationship that has grown day by day during the last twelve years. I learned very quickly when coming to America's KESWICK that Pastor Bill was a man whose life was loved by thousands of people. Not only was he a giant in physical stature, he was a giant of the faith - a man whose life's passion was his love for the Lord Jesus Christ, the Word of God, and the life-transforming message of the victorious Christian life.

America's KESWICK has been his life. Born and raised here, he served the Lord in just about every capacity which included serving on the Board of Trustees for almost 51 years. He was a third generation leader - one with vision and determination to keep the ministry Christ-centered and focused. Under his leadership both the ministries of addiction recovery and Christian conferences blossomed.

He faithfully proclaimed the Word of God at the Colony Chapel each Sunday morning after having just preached the early service at Whiting Bible Church where he served as founding Pastor. The men of the Colony loved Pastor Bill, many calling him their spiritual father.

For me, Pastor Bill served in three roles. He has been an invaluable mentor. What a thrill to be able to sit for 12 years and learn all the intricacies of this ministry, gain historical perspective, and learn what are to be the non-negotiable core values that must never change.
While we certainly did not agree on every issue, his mind was always open and would lovingly communicate his concerns always as a gentleman and an open heart.

He was a special friend. We could meet each week for an hour to pray and discuss the ministry, but we would often stop and talk throughout the day, often telling each other funny stories and getting caught up about our families. Pastor Bill was a hugger and we'd hug often. One time Ruth (his wife) saw us hugging in the Dining Room and she said, "My word, you just saw each other several hours ago ... you might think you'd not seen each other in days."

But the relationship that I will miss the most was that of a father. My biological parents have both been gone for a number of years. When we came to Keswick, we were "adopted" into the Raws family (I even have papers!). By the way, my biological parents' names were Bill and Ruth!
One of those special moments for me that I will never forget was at the conclusion of our 2008 Colony Reunion Weekend. Pastor Bill came over to give me a hug, and said, "I never had the joy of raising my own son, but I'm glad he gave me you to be my son."

While we didn't want to leave him go, it was obvious that he was ready to be released from the physical suffering he quietly endured. As we stood around his bedside and watched him peacefully and quietly slip into eternity, the words of this song spoke volumes:

Just think of stepping on shore
And finding it heaven --
Of touching a hand, and finding it God's!
Of breathing new air and finding it celestial -- Of waking up in glory - and finding it HOME!

We love you Pastor Bill and we will miss you. Thanks for the testimony of your life. Thanks for the legacy that you have left behind for all of us. - Bill Welte is the President and CEO of America's KESWICK.

There is information about Pastor Bill's life on our website
( and the date and time of his Memorial service will be posted on the site. You can leave messages of condolences on his blog which can be accessed from the website.

God's WORD for YOU: Psalm 29-30; Acts 23:1-15

Think About This: The spiritual artist-the man who paints Christ in his soul-wants no solitary niche in the temple of fame. He would not like to hear anyone say, 'He is the first of his profession; there is not one that can hold a candle to him.' He would be very sad to be thus distinguished in his profession of Christ, marked out as a solitary figure. The gladdest moment to him will always be the moment when the cry is heard, 'Thy brother is coming up the ladder also; thy brother will share the inheritance with thee.'-- George Matheson

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