Friday, July 25, 2008

Let Us Pray for Victory (Part 2)


Here is the second part of the prayer from J. Sidlow Baxter's devotional book, AWAKE MY HEART ...

Dear Savior, give me complete victory over DOUBT - doubt of my eternal salvation when I am emotionally cold; doubt of Thy promises in Scripture when circumstances seem to negate them; doubt of Thy goodness in permitted sickness or other adversity; doubt of Thy faithfulness if all I have done seems overthrown by the enemy; doubt of the gospel when it seems powerless to arrest and save people; doubt of Thy fairness when ironic trouble breaks over Thy sincere people; doubt of Thy sovereignty when evil things happen. May I never forget that the rainbow ever arches Thy throne, and that the God who bled on Calvary can never mock us.

Dear Savior, give me complete victory over the FLESH - over physical desires; over extravagant appetites; over habit-forming ill-tendencies; over every kind of lust; over laziness, self-indulgence, and every form of intemperateness; over headstrong assertiveness; unconsecrated ambition; misuse of the tongue of exaggeration, insinuation, idle gossip, tale-bearing.

Dear Savior, give me complete victory over ANXIETY - anxiety over yesterday's consequences and tomorrow's omens; over domestic, business, financial, and all other problems, knowing that in Thee all is fundamentally well with me forever. May my one concern be continual yieldedness to Thee. Then may Thy Holy Spirit so shed Thy love within me that I shall have rest indeed from all these foes." Amen

Now I will add one comment to this powerful prayer. As Pastor Bill would say, we already have the victory, so by faith, we can thank Him for the victory we already have in all these areas - now let's live in the victory over fear, pride, envy, hatred, doubt, the flesh, and anxiety! -- Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Psalm 37-39; Acts 26

Think About This: Praise is more spontaneous when things go right; praise is more precious when things go wrong!

Join us today for Pastor Bill Raws' Memorial Service at 2:00 PM at the Activity Center. If you would like to watch the service live, go to our website and click on the link:

You can also give a gift to America's KESWICK in his memory when you visit the homepage.

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