Thursday, July 24, 2008

Let Us Pray for Victory (Part 1)


I love to read the prayers of the heroes of the faith that have been put in print. This morning in the devotional AWAKE MY HEART, Dr. J. Sidlow Baxter has a wonderful prayer for victory that I would like to share the next two days with you ...

Dear Savior; give me complete victory over FEAR - fear of sickness; fear of accident; fear of poverty; fear of persecution; fear of ridicule; fear of loneliness; dear of trials; fear of old age; fear of whatever may be coming on the earth; fear of dying; fear of death itself; fear of the Beyond.

Dear Savior, give me complete victory over PRIDE - pride in the natural gifts; pride in possessions; pride of family; pride in the merely physical; pride in dress; pride of intellect; pride in how I may have excelled others. Dislodge all such vain pride, and instead give me humble gratitude to Thee.

Dear Savior, give me complete victory over ENVY - envy of another's physical appearance, gifts, possessions, advantages; envy of those who seem more blessed and used of Thee than I. Help me be content with what Thou has purposed or permitted me to be, knowing that in Thee I have all things, and that heaven will perfect all my holiest ambitions.

Dear Savior, give me complete victory over HATRED - hatred of those who wrong me; hatred of those whose nature is offensive; hatred of those who seem to obstruct my progress; hatred of so-called foreigners; hatred of those linked with heretical sects or non-Christian religions. Give me a true discreet love for all, a love like Thine, who when the nails were driven through Thy flesh couldst only say, "Father, forgive them ...."

A powerful prayer for your consideration this morning. - Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK

God's WORD for YOU: Psalm 35-36; Acts 25

Think About This: Not a blow will be permitted to fall upon your shrinking soul but that the love of God permits it, and works out from its depths, blessing and spiritual enrichment unseen and unthought-of of by you. Anonymous

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