Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Sifting Process

The Sifting Process

"Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to have all of you, to sift you like wheat. But I (Jesus) have pleaded for you in prayer for you, Simon, that your faith should not fail. So when you have repented and turned to me again, strengthen and build up your brothers." Luke 22:25-33 (NLT)

I am working through a new book written by Pastor Kenny Luck, and the book is coming up this summer. The title is FIGHT - Are You Willing to Pick a Fight with Evil?, and is a part of the EVERYMAN'S BATTLE series. I highly recommend the book to you, and will let you know when it is available because I believe it is a must read for every man who wants to be a FREEDOM FIGHTER!

Listen to what Kenny Luck says about the sifting process: "Sifting is synonymous with elimination. What Peter could not recognize in himself, God eliminated. He allowed Peter to be selected and exposed to a trial and testing that would separate and eliminate his ego from his service for Christ, deconstruct Peter, and raise up a new man with a new CHARACTER. There is no longer a place for darkness to dwell in his life. It has been replaced with the light of the character of CHRIST HIMSELF - an impenetrable source."

Kenny suggests that we are in a battle. A FREEDOM FIGHTER is a warrior who is cognizant of the strategy of the enemy, but we need to be aware of the "dark footholds of sin, pride, or fear we have trouble letting go:

*an arrogant or self-centered spirit

* a growing materialistic tendency

* overconcern with titles, status, or position

* an addiction to approval

* a secret sexual sin

* emotional reliance upon past successes

* close-mindedness or an unteachable spirit

* an unwillingness to be accountable to others

* a disregard for spiritual disciplines

* a disconnectedness from your spouse

* behaviours that isolate you from other Christians

* harbored resentments or unforgiveness

* a critical spirit

* discontentment, jealousy or envy

* defensiveness

* disrespect of others

* an attitude of entitlement and lack of humility

* permitting questionable behaviors

All of these are examples of that one thing with one common denominator:
dangerous darkness of character. They're all connected to your morality, dragging it down when you are friendly with darkness. But watch out. If you've made a commitment to Christ, Satan will be allowed to come against you in an area of weakness until you realize that God desires the dark corners in your character are to be eliminated. HE wants you proactive in your battle against pride to shut the door on all dark attitudes. It's when God's man assimilates the character of CHRIST in a dark area, that the devil withdraws. Only then will Satan know that you know all circumstances, trials, and sifting only work to perfect and complete you as God's man." From FIGHT (Waterbrook Press)

Men: Can you identify with an area from the above list this morning? If so, purpose today to deal with it. Get alone with the Lord and surrender that area to Him. - Bill Welte - President and CEO of America's KESWICK.

God's WORD for YOU: 2 Chronicles 1-3; John 10:1-23

Think about this: An active faith can give thanks for a promise, though it be not as yet performed; knowing that God's bonds are as good as ready money. --
Matthew Henry

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