Sunday, March 16, 2008

Palm Sunday


Today marks the beginning of the end that leads to the new beginning every one of us needs. Are you confused? It's really a simple story, and it bears repeating.

This is Palm Sunday. It's the day we remember Jesus' entry into Jerusalem just a few days before His death. It was the beginning of the week. People proclaimed His greatness because they had seen His amazing works and heard His even more amazing words.

Palm Sunday was the beginning of the end. He offered more amazing teaching during the week. The disciples and Jesus shared a last Passover meal in what we call the Upper Room. Jesus taught them one last time. We call that teaching the Upper Room Discourse. That meal would take much of Thursday night as the end approached.

Then came Gethsemane. The disciples fell asleep. Jesus is all alone in His agony. Judas and the soldiers show up. Jesus' predicted betrayal is now a fact. The end draws nearer.

The rest of Thursday night and early Friday bring the end closer. Mock trials, the conclusion determined before the trials, condemn Jesus to death. Many who were in the Palm Sunday Crowd singing Jesus' praise now sing a new song. Crucify Him! Crucify Him! The end is almost.

Finally, Jesus goes to the cross and hangs there for six hours on Friday. He dies. Some of His disciples bury Him in a borrowed tomb. It's the end! Or is it?

Sunday comes. The tomb is empty! Jesus is alive! With is resurrection comes the new beginning that we all must know. Because He lives, we can know new life, eternal life in the family of God. We can know freedom from the bondage of sin.

Today is the beginning of the end that really brings us to the beginning. I pray that new beginning is a reality in your life. I pray you'll not just stand with Jesus on Palm Sunday, but that you'll remain with Him when Good Friday gets here. I pray that you and I will know the power of His resurrection at work in our lives come next Sunday. - Pastor John Strain is the Senior Pastor of First Baptist of Toms River and our weekend Freedom Fighter correspondent.

Today's Scripture Reading: Deuteronomy 28-29; Mark 14:54-72

Today's Quote: Our Lord has written the promise of the resurrection, not in books alone but in every leaf in springtime. Martin Luther

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