Monday, March 17, 2008

The Lord Strengthened Me


"And there appeared an angel unto him from heaven, strengthening him."
Luke 22:43

This week marks the events that lead up to the Cross - the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Yesterday we celebrated Palm Sunday, however there is much that will take place in the next several days for us to consider.

Fast forward to Jesus and three of his followers going to the Garden of Gethsemane. Jesus is wanting to spend time with His Father before the events leading to His death will take place. There, alone in the garden, he cries out to His Father. Alone. He checks on his three friends and they are asleep. The moment when Jesus is wanting his three friends, Peter, James and John, to stand with him, there they are fast asleep. There he is, our Savior - all alone.

But not really! His Father sends an angel to strengthen him. The Greek word here means to "impart strength; to empower someone; to fill a person with heartiness; or to give someone renewed vitality." At the moment when Jesus was feeling so weak and alone, God sends an angel that imparts strength, empowerment and recharges Jesus, renewing His vitality with the strength needed to victoriously face the most difficult hour in His life!

And that is what He does for us when we are facing difficulties in our lives. The Apostle Paul wrote these words in 2 Timothy 4:17 - "The Lord strengthened me ...!" I love those words. When we are at our weakest point -- when we feel like we cannot go another step - when we feel like crawling back into bed and pulling up the covers because we know what the events of today will be like - we can count on the Lord strengthening us.

Tonight we will drive back to Cressona, PA for the viewing of a dear friend who just went home to be with Jesus after a short battle with pancreatic cancer. Just one week ago, we were in Cressona for the viewing of this lady's son, who was killed in an automobile accident.

How does a family, a husband get through this time of tragedy and immense grief? How can Pastor Randy stand for hours at the casket of his dear wife? I can tell you that there is only one way - THE LORD WILL STRENGTHEN HIM! Everyone in this family, in their darkest hours of grief and pain, will experience the supernatural strengthening of our Savior.

What are you facing today? Do you feel all alone? Overwhelmed? My friend, be encouraged today - allow HIM to stand by you and strengthen you in your hour of need. - Bill Welte is the President and CEO of America's KESWICK and the General Editor of the daily devotional REAL VICTORY FOR REAL LIFE.

Today's Scripture: Deuteronomy 30:31; Mark 15:1-25

Great Quote: The shop, the barn, the scullery, and the smithy become temples when men and women do all to the glory of God! The "divine service" is not a thing of a few hours and a few places, but all life becomes holiness unto the Lord, and every place and thing, as consecrated as the tabernacle and its golden candlestick. Charles Haddon Spurgeon

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