Tuesday, February 05, 2008

The Sin of Pride


"A man's pride brings him low, but a man of lowly spirit gains honor." Proverbs 29:23

Several weeks ago one of my Board members gave me a powerful book entitled "Pleasing People - How not to be an 'approval junkie'" by Lou Priolo (P & R Publishing). It is a must read book for every believer whether you struggle with being a people pleaser or not. It was one of those reads that left you feeling very convicted about the idols of the heart in your life.

In one of the chapters, Lou shares some valuable insights into the idol of pride. Let me give them to you the next two days and then I will put a handout on the website for your use:

1. Pride is the delusion that our achievements are primarily the result of our own doing.

2. Pride is esteeming ourselves above and beyond the condition and proportion that God has appointed for us.

3. Pride is the desire to be ESTEEMED BY OTHERS above and beyond the condition and proportion that God has appointed for us.

4. Pride is the desire to EXALT OURSELVES above and beyond the condition and proportion that God has appointed for us.

So how do you know if you are a "pride-aholic"?

Do you boast about or take credit for your wisdom, abilities, and gifts as though they were acquired primarily by self-effort?

Do you selfishly use for your own glory and benefit the wisdom, abilities, and gifts God has given you for His glory and the benefit of others?

Do you view God in such a way as to think He was made for your pleasure rather than vice versa (making God a means to an end rather than worshipping Him as the sovereign Creator and Sustainer of the universe)?

Do you have a greater desire to be loved by others than for others to love God (wanting others to love you more than they love God)?

Do you have a greater dependence on self than on God's grace and provision?

Do you resort to defensiveness, blame-shifting, justification, or anger when lawfully reproved by another?

Do you have a censorious, critical, condemning, accusing, judgmental attitude toward others, especially those in positions of authority?

If so, my friend, then you may very well be struggling with the idol of the heart known as PRIDE!

I'll share more on this tomorrow. Take some time today to review the list. If this is an issue in your life - Cry out to God, repent and ask for His help in this area of your life. - Bill Welte is the President and CEO of America's KESWICK and the general editor and writer for the ministry of Freedom Fighters

Great Quote: "Pride makes men more desirous to be over loved by themselves, than that God be loved by themselves or others. They would gladly have the eyes and hearts of all men turned on them, as if they were as the sun, to be admired and loved by all who see them." Richard Baxter

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