Thursday, February 07, 2008

Pride May Blind You to Your Sin


For the past two days we have looked at the idol of the heart known as pride. Pride is not only insidious - God hates pride. But one of the deadly things that pride does is to blind me to my sin.

Quoting again from Lou Prilio's book PEOPLE PLEASING, he suggests six ways in which pride blinds us to our sin:

1. Pride tempts us to exaggerate our virtues. He quotes Puritan
Richard Baxter: "Self-idolizing causes us to glory in our supposed greatness, when the greatness of God should show us our contemptible vileness. It causes us to magnify ourselves when we to magnify our Maker. It makes the strong man glory in his strength, and the rich man in his wealth, and the conqueror in his victories, and princes and lords and rulers of the earth in their dominions and dignities, and abilities to do good to others.

2. Pride tempts us to minimize our flaws.

3. Pride tempts us to distort and magnify the seriousness of our

4. Pride tempts us to change things in our lives according to MAN'S
priorities rather than the agenda of the HOLY SPIRIT.

5. Pride focuses our attention on changing the OUTER MAN rather than

6. An excessive love of praise tempts you to believe MAN'S opinion
of yourself over GOD'S opinion.

Are you struggling with pride, my brother? If so, yield it to HIM and allow Him to transform your life in this area. Surrender the idol of your heart - pride. Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK and general editor of Freedom Fighters, and is available to speak at your church. To schedule Bill, contact Ruth Schmidt at

NEXT WEEK, George Hutchison, Board member of America's KESWICK and an instructor with CROWN Ministries will address the area of MONEY with us.

GREAT QUOTE: Give me, O Lord, a steadfast heart which no unworthy thought can drag downwards; an unconquered heart which no tribulation can wear out; an upright heart which no unworthy purpose may tempt aside. Bestow upon me also, O Lord my God, understanding to know you, diligence to seek you, wisdom to find you, and a faithfulness that may finally embrace you; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. -- Thomas Aquinas

SPECIAL PROJECT: The Lord has given us the opportunity to purchase a new piano for the RAWS AUDITORIUM in memory of Addison Raws' wife, Emma. Thanks to a local businessman, we have been offered a brand new Yamaha C7 concert piano for $28,195. The goal seemed in surmountable, however, thanks to numerous friends, we only need $13,000 to reach the goal. If you'd like to share in this project, simply respond to this email, or go the website ( and make your donation on-line. Be sure and designate it for the PIANO FUND. You can also make a gift by calling our toll-free number: 800-453-7942. Thanks for your consideration, brothers.

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