Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Esteem Others Better Then Yourself


"Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than themselves." Philippians 2:3

I am not telling you anything new! You already know this first-hand. We live in a self-centered, ME world. And it starts at a very young age.
Back in January when we were watching our grandkids, there was a day that Tanner, Lindsay, Emma and Tanner were together. While they all got along together (for the most part) it was amazing how many times the word "Mine!" came out of their little mouths.

Think about it - much of the junk that we go through in conflict, whether it be at home with our spouse or kids, at work with a fellow employee, or unfortunately, even at church, really comes down to wanting my way. Our mantra in society has become "I want it MY way," and yet that is exactly the opposite of how God wants us to live in relationship to others.

Paul wrote to the church at Philippi that they were to have a mind of humility and "esteem others them themselves." Apart from Christ doing that through your life, which is why He wants to BE your life, it is impossible to do that. Author, speaker and Christian counselor, Lou Prilio, in his book PLEASING PEOPLE, suggests nine ways that you and I can esteem others better than yourself:

1. Don't assume that others have EXACTLY the same evil motives as
you find in YOUR own heart, but rather put the best possible interpretation on their actions.

2. Look for those virtuous qualities in others that you know you are
in most need of yourself. Then seek their help in acquiring those qualities.

3. Don't assume that YOUR time, money, energy, thoughts, and
opinions are more valuable than your neighbor's.

4. When making a decision, consider not only how that decision will
affect your own interests, but also how it will affect the interests of others.

5. Be alert not only to your own needs, but also to the needs of

6. Demonstrate your high estimation of others by commending them for
those qualities that are biblically worthy of praise.

7. Guard your heart from developing a pattern of critical,
condemnatory, accusatory, judgmental thoughts about others. Such thoughts make it very difficult, if not impossible, to esteem others better than yourself.

8. Pray for your brothers and sisters in Christ.

9. Remind yourself often that God has given to you everything you
need to be proud of and that He has often used others to get you where you are, Thank God and thank those whom He has used to bless you.

Good suggestions for us to consider. "Lord, help me today, to allow You through me, to esteem others better than myself." - Bill Welte is President and CEO of America's KESWICK, and is the proud Pop-pop of five grandchildren.

Great quote: "God's Word is the tiger that devours the heart set on the flesh. Unleash the that tiger on the reader's hearts." John Sowell

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