Thursday, February 28, 2008

Trust His Heart


"Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart, and do not lean on your OWN understanding. In ALL your ways acknowledge HIM, and HE will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6

Someone once wrote, "These are the times that try men's souls ..." and for so many people right now, that sure does seem to be the case. These past few months have been difficult for so many of our Keswick family and extended family as they have faced challenges and difficulties.

Some examples are:

* A wayward son or daughter who wants to go their own way even
though they have been raised in a Christian home

* A family that has hit with on-going health issues from heart
attacks, heart surgery and a daughter-in-law who had a serious miscarriage

* A Pastor who loves the Lord and is committed to serving God and
His people, seeing people grow and even getting saved, and finds out at a church business meeting that there are people calling for a vote of confidence

* A 2- year old granddaughter diagnosed with serious heart issue
that may require surgery

* A 12 year old child that is in serious condition because she
has just learned she has one kidney and her reproductive organs are all messed up

* A man who after many years of serving with a company loses his
job because of downsizing

* A Pastor who is watching several individuals in his church
bring division and strife

* A retired missionary who has served God so faithfully and his
wife and daughter are now both struggling with cancer

These are real like examples of people whose lives are being impacted by difficulties - real time stuff. But it is in these difficult moments of life, that we can TRUST HIS HEART.

Years ago Babbie Mason recorded a song called TRUST HIS HEART ...

All things work for our good though sometimes we don't see how they could. Struggles that break our hearts in two sometimes blinded to the truth. Our Father knows what best for us he ways are not our own. So when your pathway grows dim and you just don't see him remember your never alone. Chorus

God is to wise to be mistaken God is too good to be unkind. So when you don't understand when you don't his plan when you can't trace his hand trust his heart, trust his heart. (He alone is faithful and true he alone knows what is best for you).

Verse 2 He sees the master plan and he hold our future in his hand so don't live as those who have no hope for our hope is found in him. We see the presently clearly but he see the 1st and the last and like a tapestry he's weaving you and me to someday be just like Him.

My guess is that someone reading this today is going through something.
You may be at the place where you are feeling hopeless and filled with despair. TRUST HIS HEART! It really is worth it. HE IS FAITHFUL and HE WILL SEE YOU THROUGH WHATEVER THE DIFFICULTY or CHALLENGE MAY BE. You may not understand it, your heart may be a the breaking point - TRUST HIS HEART. - Bill Welte is the President and CEO of America's KESWICK and the General Editor and writer for Freedom Fighters. His granddaughter, Lindsay Alice, is facing heart surgery for a severe mitral valve prolapsed. We covet your prayers and we are TRUSTING HIS HEART!

Great Quote: "The happiest people I know are the ones who have learned how to hold everything loosely and have given the worrisome, stress-filled, fearful details of their lives into God's keeping." ~ Charles R. Swindoll

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