Sunday, December 16, 2007

Sunday Advent

Today is the third Sunday of Advent. Some of you attend churches that have an Advent wreath and light the five candles included in the wreath.
Traditionally, the first candle speaks of hope. The second speaks of peace. The third candle reminds us of the love of God that allowed Him to send His Son into our world.

Freedom Fighters need to know of that love. We don't always "feel"
loved. The enemy of our souls will always look for ways to convince us that God doesn't love us. "How could He love us when we do such bad things and fail Him so often?" That's the lying question Satan will send our way.

Gabriel's message to Mary dispels the lie! God loves us enough to allow His Son to come into our world. Mary thought it seemed impossible.
Elizabeth thought it impossible that she might conceive a son in her old age. Gabriel's response-"For with God nothing will be impossible."
(Luke 1:37) The same God who can empower conception in a virgin and a woman well past childbearing years can love Freedom Fighters who struggle to maintain their freedom.

I know almost none of you who receive this email every day. You may know ongoing victory over sin, or you may struggle every day for each small step toward victory. This Advent season that reminds of Jesus'
arrival into our world should encourage you. Jesus came into the world at just the right time (Galatians 4:4) to redeem us from a law we could not keep. He knew our frailty and our inclination to failure. Knowing all He knew, He didn't turn from us but toward us. He took up residence in our world through His Son.

God knew our lack of hope. He knew peace escaped us. We knew nothing of His love, and joy was not ours. Those candles we light each week of Advent tell us to live in hope. They tell us to rest in the peace of Jesus and trust His love. They tell us to know the joy of sins forgiven and lives made knew.

You and I can choose freedom from despair, a lack of peace and love, and the absence of joy. We can choose freedom from sin and its bondage--all because Jesus came! Jesus said when describing His followers as sheep, "I came so they can have a real and eternal life, more and better life then they ever dreamed of." (John 10:10b in The Message) (Pastor John Strain - First Baptist of Toms River)

Great Quote: When the devil is called the god of this world, it is not because he made it, but because we serve him with our worldliness.

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