Monday, December 17, 2007

Protect Me From Evil


" ... Protect me from evil so that I do not cause pain." 1 Chronicles 4:10

The man whose name means "Pain" is the one who cries out to the God of Israel for His abundant blessing and for Him to enlarge his territory.
But he also begs God to keep him from evil so that he will not cause pain.

The enemy of our soul comes to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10).
Pastor Jay Dennis in his book, The Jabez Experiment, notes the qualities that the enemy want to steal, kill and destroy:

Cheerfulness - Satan wants to steal YOUR joy.
Contagiousness - Satan want our faith to be unattractive.
Confidence - Satan wants YOU to doubt God.
Convictions - Satan wants you to stand for NOTHING.
Compassion - Satan does not want us to care.
Commitment - Satan wants you indecisive.
Character - Satan does not want you to grow in Christ.
Certainty - Satan wants you to be unsure of your salvation.

It is at the times of when we are most victorious that we are often the most vulnerable, and those are the times we tend to drop our guard.
Listen to this powerful reminder from Pastor Dennis: "Although the devil cannot read our minds, he is a good observer. He knows exactly when and how to attack. He is always looking for opportunity to strike. In one unguarded moment, he moves in, and it's too late. Regrets come, remorse fills the heart, and while forgiveness is available through repentance, the consequences can no more be stopped that a driver trying to stop an eighteen-wheeler on a dime while doing a hundred miles per hour. We must be proactive in trying to stop Satan BEFORE sin gets out of control in our lives. Daily we must activate God's antitheft protection, as well as warn Satan to back off whenever we sense he is approaching us."

Men, this is a good reminder for us today! Allow this truth to burn into your heart and mind today. Cry out like Jabez did - "Protect me from evil so that I do not cause pain."

Great Quote: Just when the truth about life sinks in, his truth starts to surface. He takes us by the hand and dares us not to sweep the facts under the rug but to confront them with him at our side. Max Lucado

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