Thursday, November 08, 2007

You Can't Escape Him


"Where can I go to escape You Spirit?" Psalm 139:7

We've all been there at times in our lives. We find ourselves doing something we shouldn't be doing - going places we shouldn't be going - reading, watching, playing something we shouldn't. We look to the right or left to see if anyone is watching and conclude - nobody knows! BUT GOD DOES! He sees and knows all.

Remember a definition I shared with you from Bill Gothard on the FEAR OF THE LORD - "God knows, sees, and weighs EVERY ONE of my thoughts, deeds, words and actions."

This truth rang true yesterday. One of our staff members left for vacation earlier in the week and went into hiding. We were concerned because no one had heard from him including his family. Yesterday our staff gathered together at 9:15 AM to pray that he would call so that we would know that he was safe. We agreed together that GOD KNEW where he was. Though he might have thought he could hide - the God of the universe knew PRECISELY where He was (by the way - He is the one who has the best GPS system! Beats anything that we mere humans could invent!)

We concluded praying at 9:30 AM and at 9:45 AM this young man called me! Was I surprised? Not at all! God answers prayer. HE KNOWS and WE CAN'T ESCAPE HIM.

I read these verses this morning from Psalm 36 in THE MESSAGE: "God's love is meteoric, his loyalty astronomic, His purpose titanic, his verdicts oceanic. Yet in His largeness NOTHING GETS LOST; not a man, not a mouse, slips through the cracks!

Are you trying to hiding from Him today? Trying to pull the wool over His eyes hoping HE won't catch you? Well wake up, my friend - YOU CAN'T ESCAPE HIM! Run back to Him today.

Something to think about: "If we, as the church, do not get back to spiritual visions, glimpses of heaven, and an awareness of a greater glory and life, we will lose our faith. Our altar will become nothing but cold, empty stone, never blessed with a visit from heaven." - Joseph Parker

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