Sunday, November 18, 2007

Obedient Children


We have a men's Bible study group at our church that is working through First Peter. Peter addresses the obedience theme of yesterday's Freedom Fighter. He tells those to whom he wrote to live as "obedient children." The contrast he gives them is unmistakable.

His readers receive clear instruction. They are not to conform themselves to the former lusts. Rather, they must choose to be holy (obedient) in all your conduct. The issue is simple. God is holy. You are to be like God. Therefore, be holy! (1 Peter 1:13-16)

Holiness develops in Peter's thinking by choosing obedience over disobedience. They learn new behaviors as they grow in grace and knowledge. They resist the temptations to revert to old behaviors. All the instruction is prefaced by reminders that Jesus is coming again. (1 Peter 1:2-11) Peter's audience lived with almost daily persecution. Their commitment to obedience demanded something so worthwhile that it would serve as a constant motivation. Jesus coming again offered them the hope they needed.

It is my opinion that those who live in yoke with Jesus never live in easy times. We may not suffer like brothers in some parts of our world. Our trials may come from a different direction. Living obediently in a corrupt world just isn't easy. We, like Peter's readers, need hope. Their hope is our hope!

In that hope rests the very best reason for choosing obedience over disobedience. Consistent obedience over time proves the "genuineness of our faith." (1:7) When Jesus comes back, all Freedom Fighters want Him to know we're the real deal. We do love him. We do trust Him. We do want to live as He lives.

I ask you to notice three things from the early words of Peter's letter. First, he offers them five reminders of Jesus return-that's encouragement. Then Peter tells them to choose obedience since they know the "end of the story." That's instruction. Jesus is coming back; live with that expectation. Finally, Peter wrote to people living in community. That's accountability. They pursued obedience together. Peter didn't expect them to pursue holiness alone.

Peter's words live on in Scripture for us. We need the encouragement. We need the instruction. We need the accountability. Together, they help us choose obedience, and obedience leads us to victory! (Pastor John Strain -- First Baptist Toms River)

Something to think about: A renewed mind has an utterly changed conception, not only of reality, but of possibility. A turn away from the kingdom of this world to the Kingdom of God provides a whole set of values based not on the human word, but on Christ's. Impossibilities become possibilities. -- Elisabeth Elliot

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