Thursday, October 25, 2007


Today’s topic is concerning anger.

The reason for writing on this subject is that anger is the most used trigger in most addictions. It is not that anger in and of itself is sinful. For in Ephesians 4:26 we read “In your anger do not sin": Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry"

When people become angry they will often suddenly become very hungry. That hunger can be for food but it is also for drink, drugs, and sex.

When you are at peace within yourself you are more able to control appetite than at any other time. So let us look at anger.

What causes anger?

Anger happens. It may not always be in your control to choose anger but it should always be in your control what you allow anger to do to or through you.

I say “not always” for some of us are too sensitive (easily pained, annoyed, etc). We expect even drivers on the road to get out of our way. My mother would say that we wear our hearts on our sleeves. Such exposed hearts are easily hurt. For this reason we need what my wife calls Elephant’s skin.

We need to have a servant’s heart. Matthew 20:28 "Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many."

How to control anger.

The first step is to recognize that you are angry. Don’t deny it. Don’t confuse it with hurt. When a person is hurt we all want to kiss it away BUT when one is angry we guard ourselves with anger. When you feel angry you need to choose your reaction.

The second step is to delay your response. Speaking while angry will enable you to make the greatest speech you will ever feel sorry for making.

The third step is to recognize that anger is reserved only for enemies. It is an enemy that makes us angry for our friends we make some sort of an excuse. Matthew 26:50   Jesus replied, "Friend, do what you came for. Jesus refused to let Judas cause Him to react in anger.

The forth step is to recognize that your anger gives the one who causes it control over your feelings. When I see a parent hitting a child I want to ask him/her, “Why are you doing that?” The answer is probably “the child is making me” when we became adults we should have put away childish things.

The fifth step is to contact your attorney and turn the situation over to him. Jesus taught us that we have two such attorneys. One is in heaven (Jesus) and the other is with you here (The Holy Spirit).

May you find help and encouragement with every kind of anger. Remember Paul said not to let the sun go down on your anger, It is not that your problem must be solved before sundown.. Don’t hold on to your anger for you are as much a prisoner as the offender. Let him/her go and get on with the freedom from anger. (Pastor George Van Sandt)

SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT: “If I put things in between me and Christ, it is idolatry. If I put CHRIST between me and things, it is VICTORY!

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