Monday, July 30, 2007


"But thanks be to God! He gives us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!" 1 Corinthians 15:57

Here is a good one to think about as we begin this new VICTORY week at America's KESWICK. I trust you will consider coming for one of the sessions this week with Drs. Ted Rendall and Roger Willmore.

"A pickpocket once strolled into a rescue mission and was converted. He saw in Christ pardon for His sins and power against them. Rejoicing in a new life he went on planning for the future. 'In my unregenerate days,' said he to himself, 'I used to pick quite twenty pockets a day. But now I am a Christian man, and I know that to pick pockets is a sin. So I must give it up - gradually, of course. Tomorrow I'll make a start and for the rest of this month I shall only pick ten pockets a day: next month by striving and struggling against this sin, I'll cut down to five a day - for I'm a Christian man now. By the end of the year by constant endeavor (and the help of God) I hope to give up picking pockets altogether.'

Do you believe that story? The writer does not. But have we not all been guilty of this very thing in our dealings with bad temper, pride, irritability, jealousy, unloved? We expect a pickpocket, or a drunkard, or a gambler to give up his sin once and for all - the very moment of conversion. We tell him - and tell him truly - that Christ is able to give him complete and instant victory. Is God unable to give us a similar victory over what we deem to be lesser sins? He is able to make us 'more than conquerors!'

Victory over sin is a GIFT and not a growth. Paul recognized this. He did not say, 'Thanks be to God, which giveth us a GRADUAL victory,' but 'giveth us VICTORY through Christ Jesus our Lord.'

There is NO such a thing as a gradual victory over sin - although we may think there is. God's gifts are perfect. The fact is, He gives us Jesus Christ Himself to dwell in our hearts by faith. And Jesus can keep us! Can we trust Christ to do it?" -- An Unknown Christian

Are you experiencing victory today in your life? Today you CAN BE MORE THAN AN CONQUEROR!!!

Great quote: If God has ever given you a victory over ONE sin, He can give you victory over ALL sin. He who has kept you FROM sin for a MOMENT, can with equal ease keep you from the same sin for a day or a month! - Ruth Paxson

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