Tuesday, July 31, 2007

He Leadeth Me


"With skillful hands he led them." Psalm 78:72

For the past several years we have been seeking God's will for a residential addiction recovery program for women similar to our men's ministry, The Colony of Mercy. Several months ago God led us to a property that would be wonderfully suited for this type of ministry and we began to pray that God would give us CLEAR DIRECTION. It is everything that we could think, dream or imagine.

After several weeks of negotiation, the seller decided he did not want to pursue our proposal and came back to the table saying, "This is it - take it or leave it." Bottom line is that we would have to go through a traditional mortgage and we have made a commitment to the Lord NOT to go into debt as a ministry.

Yesterday I called the realtor and told them that while we really love the property, we just can't do what he is asking. If I told you that I was not disappointed, I would not be being truthful with you. However, I am confident that God is in control and knows the BIG PICTURE. Fifteen minutes after my phone call the realtor called back and said that the seller was re-thinking his position and wanted to continue to dialog.

I share all that to tell you that God is the one who leads and guides. He knew what I needed to hear from HIM today. So you will understand why this devotional reading was TIMELY ...

"When you are unsure which course to take, totally submit your own judgment to that of the Spirit of God, asking Him to shut every door except the right one! But meanwhile keep moving ahead and consider the absence of a direct indication from God to be the evidence of His will that you are on HIS path. And as you continue down the long road, you will find that He has gone before you (Deut. 31:8) locking doors you otherwise would have been inclined to enter. Yet you can be sure that somewhere beyond the locked doors is one He has left unlocked. And when you open it and walk through, you will find yourself face to face with a turn in the river of opportunity - one that is broader and deeper than anything you ever dared to imagine, even in your wildest dreams. So set sail on it, because it flows to the open sea,

God often guides us through our circumstances. One moment, our way may seem totally blocked, but then suddenly some seemingly trivial incident occurs, appearing as nothing to others but speaking VOLUMES to the keen eye of faith. And sometimes these events are repeated in various ways in response to our prayers. They certainly are not haphazard results of CHANCE but are God opening up the way we should walk, by directing our circumstances. AND THEY BEGIN TO MULTIPLY AS WE ADVANCE TOWARD OUR GOAL, just as the lights of a city seem to increase as we speed toward it while traveling at night.

If you go to God for guidance, HE WILL GUIDE YOU! But do not expect Him to console you by showing you HIS LIST of purpose concerning you, when you have displayed distrust or ever half-trust in Him. What He will do, if you will trust HIM and go CHEERFULLY ahead when He shows you the way, is to guide you still further." Streams in the Desert - Mrs. Cowman

Coincidence? I don't think so. Today's time with Him was a gift from His lips to my ears! Do you believe that HE STILL LEADS? I sure do. Thank You, Lord, for making Deut. 31:8 a reality today in my life.

Great Quote: For Christ is of those who are humble-minded and not of those who exalt themselves over His flock. Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Scepter of the majesty of God, did not come in the pomp of pride or arrogance, although He might have done so. But He came in a lowly condition, as the Holy Spirit had declared regarding Him...You see, beloved, the example which has been given us. If the Lord so humbled Himself, what shall we do who have through Him come under the yoke of His grace? Clement

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