Monday, July 23, 2007

Think Victory! Kindness


2Sam. 9:1 (NASB) “Then David said, ‘Is there yet anyone left of the house of Saul,  that I may show him kindness for Jonathan’s sake?’”

We live in a very unkind world. If you don’t believe me, try driving south on the Garden State Parkway at rush hour on a Friday night! It seems that the further south you go, (especially near the shore exits) the more unkind people become. In this day and age, Kindness is a precious commodity. I have heard stories of people’s experiences on vacations where even the slightest reasonable requests were met with unkindness – customer satisfaction is based on this quality – just be kind. A little kindness goes a long, long way!

As believers in Jesus Christ, Kindness is not an option. We are not only commanded to be kind, but we are equipped with kindness from God. A fruit of the Holy Spirit is Kindness as well as love, joy, peace, etc.. When we think of the Kindness God has expressed toward us in Christ, It ought to prompt us to be kind to others. (Cf. Gal. 5:22; Eph. 5:32)

The above verse is taken from the account of David as he remembers the covenant he made with Jonathan. Even with Jonathan dead and Saul as his enemy, David still remembers his covenant. This account of David and Mephibosheth illustrates God’s kindness to us. We are all like Mephibosheth – having been crippled due to a fall, we are graciously welcomed into the King’s Palace to eat at His table, and spend the rest of our days treated as family by the King. Not because of anything we could merit in our own right, but simply because of the Kindness shown toward us. When we express this kindness toward others, we manifest the life of Christ to them.

Keep in mind this thought as you go through your day – you may be the only Bible people read. My prayer is that as we show kindness toward others, they may realize God’s kindness toward them in sending Christ to die for them. A little kindness can go a long, long way – reaching to the throne of Heaven! (from Pastor Mike Woods – Director of Addiction Recovery Ministries – Men)

Great Quote: When I feel distant from Jesus, it's always because, my eyes and thoughts have been distracted by a concern for my righteousness/performance/somebodiness. Something is blocking my view of Jesus. Not always easy to tell what it is, because the enemy is a stealth warrior, tempting me to focus on, obsess over, worship, some circumstance or potential circumstance in my life, so that I don't focus on, Jesus. – Dave McCarthy (GospelFriendships)

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