Sunday, July 22, 2007



I am really getting churned up with all the crazy stuff floating around out there about "conversations" people are having about their faith in God. One of my good friends shared with me that a long-time friend of mine was discussing a book that they were reading which is filled with erroneous teaching. This respected friend made the statement, "I don't have to believe these foundational truths to be a Christian!" Yikes! That is a pretty scary statement, my friend.

Which foundational truth is up for grabs? The virgin birth? The resurrection? The atonement of our sins? Apparently in a growing number of circles, truth is just not truth anymore. One of the reasons we are drifting is because we have drifted away from God's Word!

Woodrow Kroll in his new book, TAKING BACK THE GOOD BOOK, reminds us that the Bible does not PROVE God, but reveals him, tells us what he is like, and what his plans and promises are for us. Listen to just a few FOUNDATIONAL truths he shares:

"GOD IS PERSONAL - he is not a thing, power force, or influence, but a living personal being (Jeremiah 10:10).

GOD IS ETERNAL - he has no beginning or end. 'From everlasting to everlasting you are God.' (Psalm 90:2)

GOD IS INDEPENDENT - ultimately every other living being is dependent on God, but he is independent of his own creation (Acts 17:25).

GOD IS HOLY - he is separate from all others, majestic in holiness, awesome in glory (Ex. 15:11). There is none holy like the Lord (1 Sam. 2:2).

GOD IS JUST - the Lord is a God of justice. Righteousness and justice are the very foundation of his throne (Isaiah 30:18; Psalm 97:2).

GOD IS PERFECT - in every sense of the word, his character, knowledge, judgments, Word, and more are all perfect (Romans 11:33; Psalm 19:7).

GOD IS SOVEREIGN - he is the sole and supreme ruler of the universe and nothing whatsoever is outside of his control (Psalm 135:6; Ephesians

What a mighty God we have! In a day when truth is slipping through our fingers, I am glad that the GOD OF THE BIBLE IS TRUTH -not just in the past or in the future - BUT FOR TODAY! Revel today in His character as we worship Him on this Lord's day.

Great Quote: "If you are a Christian, you should have the Bible running out of your ears. Most people only read a certain number of verses for some devotional thoughts, not to know what the book is actually saying." - J. I. Packer

Join us this week for our Prophecy Conference with Dr. Jimmy DeYoung. See the website for details:

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