Friday, July 20, 2007



"If we believe not, yet he abideth faithful: he cannot deny himself." 2 Timothy 2:13

This is a classic devotional in helping you understand the message of victorious Christian living. It is written by Charles Trumbull, one of the great speakers in the early days of the "Keswick" movement. Let the words burn into your heart and mind today.

"Jesus Christ does not want to be our HELPER. He wants to be YOUR LIFE! He does not want us to work FOR Him. He wants us to let HIM do HIS work THROUGH us, using us as a pencil to write with - better still, using us as one of the fingers of His hand.

When our life is not only Christ's but Christ, our life will be a WINNING life; FOR HE CANNOT FAIL! And a winning life is a FRUIT-BEARING life, a SERVING life. It is after all only a small part of life, and a wholly negative part, to overcome; we must also bear fruit in character and service if Christ is our life. And we shall - because Christ is our life.

"He cannot deny himself"; He came 'not to be ministered unto, but to minister to.' An utterly new kind of service will be ours now, as we let CHRIST serve others THROUGH us, using us. And this fruit-bearing and service, habitual and constant, must all be by faith in Him; our works are the result of HIS life in us; not the condition, or the secret, or the cause of that Life.

The conditions of this receiving Christ as the fullness of our life are simply two - after, of course, our personal acceptance of Christ as our Savior - through His shed blood and death as our Substitute and Sin-Bearer - from guilt and consequences of our sin.

1. Surrender absolutely and unconditionally to Christ as Master of all that we are and all that we have, telling God that we are now ready to have His whole will done in our entire life, at every point, no matter what it costs.

2. Believe that God has set us WHOLLY free from the LAW of sin - not WILL do this, but HAS done it. Upon this second step, the quiet act of faith, all now depends. Faith must believe God in entire absence of any feeling or evidence. For God's Word is safer, better, surer than any EVIDENCE of His Word. We are to say, in blind, cold faith if need be, 'I KNOW that my Lord Jesus IS meeting ALL my needs NOW (even my need of faith), because His grace IS sufficient for ME!'

And remember that Christ HIMSELF is better than any of His blessings; better than the power, or the victory, or the service that He grants. Christ creates spiritual power; but Christ is BETTER than that power. HE IS GOD's best! We may have Christ, yielding to Him in such completeness and abandonment of self that it is no longer we that live, but CHRIST THAT LIVES IN US! Will you thus take Him? - Charles G. Trumbull

This is one of those devotions that you should tuck away in your Bible and re-read often. This is the heart of the message that we have shared at America's KESWICK for over 109 years! CHRIST IS YOUR LIFE!

Great Quote: The moment I consider Christ and myself as two, I am gone."
Martin Luther

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