Wednesday, May 16, 2007



"For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but DIVINELY POWERFUL for the DESTRUCTION of strongholds. We are destroy speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are TAKING every thought captive to the obedience of Christ." 2 Corinthians

The battle is being waged in our minds. The thoughts that enter are used by the Enemy to lead us into temptation which left unchecked will result in the carrying out of whatever the mind has been dwelling on.

We need to be taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. Notice in the text that the word is an active verb - taking. It isn't a once and for all act - it is a continuous process.

Several weeks ago a staff member brought us to baby ducks to raise that someone had been given as an Easter present. Softies that we are for God's creatures, we took them. We set them in a cage inside our larger pen where they lived until they were old enough to mingle with the others.

On Sunday night I decided to let them free so that they could go into the outer pen. We have three other ducks and to my amazement, as soon as they stepped out of the cage the larger Peking duck walked right over, put his webbed foot on the body of the duckling and began to try and break its neck.

As I have pondered this, I think this is a good picture of what Paul admonished us to do in these verses. The world, the flesh, and the devil come at us with thoughts that want to destroy our lives. God's desire is give us ABUNDANT life. Satan's desire is to steal, kill and destroy. And one of his ways is to use our thoughts.

A man who THINKS VICTORY knows that every thought that raises up against the knowledge of God, every thought that seeks to rob me of living life the way God intended me to live, every thought that is meant to lead me into sin, needs to be aggressively dealt with. We can't play or toy with it - destroy it! Take it captive. When they are released in our minds, use the weapons has given - they are DIVINELY POWERFUL FOR THE DESTRUCTION of strongholds.

Don't let those thoughts out of the cage! But when they do, remember the duck - don't play with it! Destroy it with the weapons he has given you.

Great Quote: "No sin is worse than the sin of self-pity, because it removes God from the throne of our lives, replacing Him with our own self-interests. It causes us to open our mouths only to complain, and we simply become spiritual sponges - always absorbing, never giving, and never being satisfied. And there is nothing lovely or generous about our lives." Oswald Chambers

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