Thursday, May 17, 2007


(The rainbow picture was taken by Bill Pruitt at America's KESWICK. The rainbow appears to end right at the Colony Chapel.)

Do not say to your neighbor, “Come back later; I’ll give it tomorrow” – when you now have it with you. Proverbs: 3:28

Often we put off till tomorrow what we could do today, including helping others. Proverbs 3:28 tells us that we should give to our neighbors now. There should be no delay in doing good whether the request is large or small. We are called to give in various ways. It could be money, time or food. The food we share may be the bread of life – God’s Word. When we give to someone in need God will bless us. In Acts 20:35 Paul tells us – In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” God reminds me of this over and over again.

America’s Keswick asked me to prepare a written testimony of the work the Lord Jesus had done to save me from a life of addiction. I was honored by the request; however, I never expected the inner turmoil that was to come while trying to write my testimony. I struggled with the lies of Satan for two weeks. I questioned God’s strength in my life, the sincerity of my heart to do whatever was necessary to follow Jesus, how others would react and so on. No matter how hard I tried or prayed I could not write the testimony. I had not slept the night before my deadline. I was frustrated and full of doubt. While struggling to get the first paragraph on paper I was interrupted by a man asking me to spend time talking with a new guy coming into The Colony of Mercy. I was irritated and tempted to rush through a quick “Hi, nice to meet you.” Besides, it was my day off. I could talk with the new guy tomorrow.

When I stopped to look up I realized how broken and scared this man was. I laid down my pen to share with him about the love and hope of the new life he could have through Jesus Christ. After we prayed together he had calmed down (so had I). He was called into the building to meet with a staff member. While reflecting on the conversation I began to write my testimony. The words flowed onto the paper with ease and confidence. I knew that God was in control. All of the doubt and lies had vanished. What appeared to me to be an interruption turned out to be a divine appointment with God where he allowed me to join in his work. He allowed me to give and then blessed me with answered prayers. He lifted my faith and gave me the strength I needed to stand firm and glorify him. I praise God for not waiting another day to put the stranger in my life.

Earlier today, a friend stopped by while I was preparing to write this devotional. He asked if I had change for a ten dollar bill. I told him that I did not. He asked if he could borrow a dollar. Without thinking, I told him that I only had one dollar left, but would be getting paid tomorrow. I reached for the bible to read him the verse I had been moved to write about and realized what had just happened. I forgot God’s word that quickly. Before I read the verse out loud I handed him the dollar. He said “I don’t want to take your last dollar.” I assured him I wanted him to have it and I read the verse to him: Do not say to your neighbor, “Come back later; I’ll give it tomorrow”- when you now have it with you. My friend said “aaaaaahhhh – practice what you preach, I like it!” He put the dollar in his pocket and we smiled at each other. Later that night someone else read this and gave me a dollar, my friend paid me back as well. God blessed us all through his word.

James 2:14-17 reminds us …”faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.

Today, will you immediately give to others when they are in need? Will you show up for your appointment with God? Will you allow God to bless you “Sooner or Later?”

Today’s Freedom Fighter was written by Bill Pruitt, a graduate of the Colony of Mercy and the Discipleship Program. Bill is now serving in our internship program working at the Raws Front Desk and in the Dining Room. We praise the Lord for the transformation that is taking place in his life.

GREAT QUOTE: There is nothing that pleases the Lord so much as praise. There is no test of faith so true as the grace of thanksgiving. Are you praising God enough? Are you thanking Him for your actual blessings that are more than can be numbered, and are you daring to praise Him even for those trials which are but blessings in disguise? Have you learned to praise Him in advance for the things that have not yet come?

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