Saturday, December 23, 2006



I am reading a historical fiction book that was recently sent to me that
chronicles a couple navigating the at trip to Idaho. The account shares
the difficulties that they experienced on the journey from outside of
Chicago traveling in a covered wagon a team of horses and a cow. What
has impressed me so far in my read is the determination they had to get
to their destination - a place that they, by faith, would finally see.

It made me think this morning of the journey that Mary and Joseph made
to Bethlehem. Quite different from the couple I am reading about. While
the mileage was not as great as the distance between Chicago and Idaho,
imagine traveling 85 miles over rugged hills. No covered wagon with
supplies or protection at night - just Mary, Joseph, a donkey and
soon-to-be-born child.

I was thinking about Hebrews chapter 11 - the "Hall of Faith" and was
wondering why Mary and Joseph were not listed. Not that I would have any
say, but I think I would have put them in that list.
I can't imagine the "faith-struggles" that they experienced. What was it
like for Mary to announce to Joseph that she was pregnant especially in
a culture where a pregnancy outside of marriage would result in stoning.

How do you explain all of this to your family? Visitations from the
angels announcing that you were carrying the Son of God? Imagine the
emotional ups and downs they experienced. Talk about a journey of faith!

Yet after the initial shock, Mary and Joseph, by faith, accepted the
proclamation of the angels and took God at His Word. Mary accepted by
faith that "nothing is impossible with God." (Luke 1:37) They
experienced first-hand what the writer of Hebrews declared: "And without
nas> faith
nas> it is impossible
as> to please
nas> Him, for he who comes
nas> to God
nas> must
nas> believe
nas> that He is and that He is a rewarder
nas> of those
nas> who seek Him."

By faith Mary and Joseph made the journey to Bethlehem and saw the
fulfillment of what the angel told them. And they did exactly as they
were told - they called the baby - JESUS! Emmanuel - God with us. I
admire their faith and obedience. I think I would have included them in
Hebrews 11.

How about you? Do you believe today in the God of the impossible? Is
there a challenge you are facing right now? A mountain that seems to
difficult to climb? Has He called you to do something "outside of the
box" and you need to trust Him? Take some time today to read through
Luke's account of the Christmas story and then read through Hebrews 11.
It's a good exercise in preparing your heart at this Christmas season.

Great quote: Jesus paid the price. You get to keep the change.

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