Friday, December 22, 2006



"Beyond all question, the mystery of godliness is great." 1 Timothy 3:16

"The birth of Christ provides a strong reason for us to experience holy
fear and trembling, for only because of that birth could Christ become
man and later die. Even though He was free from sin, He took upon
Himself a mortal body - and that should make us marvel. That He who is
God was willing to become man, that He accommodated Himself to our
weakness and came down to our level, is too great for our minds to
grasp. It makes us shudder with the deepest holy fear; it fills us with
terror and trembling.

This is what amazed Paul when he said, 'Beyond all question, the mystery
of godliness is great' (1 Timothy 3:16). How great? 'God appeared in a
body.' And again in another place: 'For surely it is not angels he
helps, but Abraham's descendants. For this reason he had to be made like
his brothers in every way.' (Hebrews 2:16-17)

This is why I especially greet and love this day. This is why I set
before your eyes His love, so that I may help you share in it. And this
is why I ask you to be in church for that celebration, with all zeal and
alertness. Let each of us leave our house empty so that we may recall
our Master wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger. It is
incredible and beyond our every expectation.

The magi were strangers and foreigners from Persia, yet they came to see
Him lying in the manger. Can you, a Christian, not give a brief measure
of time to enjoy this blessed sight? If we will present ourselves in a
spirit of faith, there is no doubt but that we shall truly see Him as He
lies in the manger." By St. John Chrysotom - from HOW GREAT THOU ART -

Good words to ponder as we count down the days to Christmas. Don't get
so caught up in the hustle and bustle that you miss the WONDER OF IT

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