Monday, December 04, 2006



If you haven't noticed, the Christian life is filled with many
paradoxes. Webster defines a paradox as:
"a statement or proposition that seems self-contradictory or
absurd but in reality expresses a possible truth; an opinion or
statement contrary to commonly accepted opinion."

Dr. Henry Blackaby in his book THE MAN GOD USES says that "Christ often
uses ordinary situations to teach spiritual truth. Of his parables
contain paradoxes - statements that seem to contradict themselves. For
example, Jesus said if you want to save your life you must lose it (Mark
8:35); to be the ruler of all you must be the servant of all (Matthew
20:27); and to live you must die (John 11:25)"

He goes on to say that "spiritual truths often contradict what we accept
as reality as Christ demonstrated lordship by washing his disciples
feet. In the world today, to be the owner or boss is to rule and control
by directives."

The following list shows the paradox between what the world says vs.
what the kingdom says:

What the World Says What the Kingdom

Pride is important. Humility is
Hitch your wagon to a star. Jesus is Lord.
Success Obedience
Professionalism Servanthood
Competition Service
Maintain your rights. Give all your
rights to God.
Negotiate for the best deal. Obey God's
Save your life. Lose your
life for my sake.
Affirm yourself Deny self.
Accomplishments Character
You don't have to take that. Take up your
Live to die. Die to
Rule and be served. Serve in order
to rule.
Things will make you happy. Godly character
brings joy.
Walk by sight. Walk by
Set long-range goals. God reveals
the future.
Take the initiative. Let God
take the initiative.
Get revenge. Do good to
your persecutors.
Eat, drink, and be merry. Seek first the
kingdom of God.

So the question this morning is this - are you living by what the world
says or by the kingdom? Good thoughts to ponder as we start this new

(Adapted from THE MAN GOD USES by Drs. Henry and Tom Blackaby - Broadman
& Holman)

Its not too late to purchase your ticket for our Christmas dinner
concert with violinist, Jamie Jorge, for this Thursday, December 7,
2006. Call today for your reservation. It will be a great date night for
you and your spouse. 732-350-1187.

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