Friday, December 29, 2006


During the next several days our nation will have an opportunity to
honor and remember the 38th President of the United States, Gerald Ford.
His body will lie in repose at various locations around the country
until his body is laid to rest in Michigan at the Presidential Library.

It is expected that millions of people will walk by his casket to pay
their last respects to a great patriot and leader of the free world.
Gerald Ford was a man who loved God and served the people of America at
a time when our country was reeling from the impact of Watergate.

In contrast, another world leader may face the hangman's noose in the
next several days -- a world leader who used his power to kill thousands
of innocent men, women and children who refused to bow the knee to his
political agenda or accept his tyrannical leadership.

Like me, you have listened in horror to the atrocities committed by this
madman. My heart breaks when I think of the many innocent people who
have lost their lives because of this evil man. Fox News reported that
there are hundreds of Iraqi's who are standing in line wanting to be
chosen to be the one to lead Saddam Hussein to the stand where he will
be hung in front of his people. For many, this will be the justice that
they have been waiting for in payment for what he has done to their
loved ones.

My heart is heavy this morning for Saddam Hussein because he faces a
Christ-eternity. Is he guilty of the crimes he has committed?
Absolutely! But the tragedy is that for him, his death is just the
beginning of an eternity separated from the One who gave His very life
for him. Yes, he will have paid for his evil - but how sad that he will
spend eternity without the Savior who loved him and died for him.

It's not too late. I pray that somehow before it's too late, Saddam
Hussein will repent of his sins, believe that Jesus died on the cross
for his sins, and accept Jesus Christ as his personal Savior. Does your
heart break today for the lost who need Christ? As we countdown the
hours to a new year, may God birth in your heart an even greater passion
for souls that need Jesus!

Great quote: If you thus pour out all your weaknesses, needs, troubles,
there will be no lack of what to say. You will never exhaust the
subject. It is continually being renewed. People who have no secrets
from each other never want for subject of conversation. They do not
weigh their words, for there is nothing to be held back; neither do they
seek for something to say. They talk out of the abundance of their
heart, without consideration they say just what they think. Blessed are
they who attain to such familiar, unreserved intercourse with God. --
Francois Fenelon

Would you please consider a year-end gift for the ministry of America's
KESWICK. Our year-end needs are great. If Freedom Fighters have touched
your heart this year, please consider a gift today. You can use our
website for your donation ( or call
732-350-1187. Please let our Guest Service representative know that you
are a member of our Freedom Fighter family. Thanks for your

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