Thursday, December 28, 2006



"So the word of the Lord grew mightily and prevailed." Acts 19:20

"Paul's world worshipped idols. No idol was more revered in Ephesus that
the goddess Diana. The great statue was housed in a magnificent temple
and was recognized as one of the wonders of the world. An idol-making
industry, providing a livelihood for many people, developed in Ephesus
to support the widespread idolatry of the day.

Paul did not go to Ephesus to condemn those worshipping idols but to
unashamedly proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ. As Paul shared the
truths of God, and as people were set free from sin's bondage, idol
worship began to decline. The contrast between stone carvings and God's
power to change lives became obvious.

The righteous lives of the Christian stood in stark contrast to the
hedonistic practices of idol worshipers. The victorious Christian
witness was so compelling that the economy of the entire city was thrown
in upheaval as idolatry diminished in favor of Christianity.

An idol is anything that diverts our devotion from God. Our society is
as idolatrous as Paul's was. Rather than worshipping statutes, we choose
possessions, pleasures, or careers as our gods and pour our time,
finances, and energy into these things.

Each of us is called, as Paul was, to live a victorious, joyful, and
purposeful Christian life in the midst of an idolatrous society. We do
not have to seek out and condemn today's idols. Rather, as we live out
our Christianity, enjoying the abundant life God gives, our lives will
discredit the idols around us. We may face opposition and hostility from
those angered at the contrast between our God and theirs. People do not
like to have their idols dethroned! Yet as we uphold Christ, others will
see a difference and be drawn to Him and the life that He offers." From
Dr. Henry Blackaby's devotional, EXPERIENCING GOD - THE DAILY DEVOTIONAL

Good thoughts for us to ponder as 2006 comes to an end. How about you,
my friend? Are there idols in your life that you need to destroy or
surrender? Take some time to pray about it today.

Have you considered your year-end giving opportunities? If you would
like to give a special year-end gift to America's KESWICK, you can do so
right from our website: We need your help
today. Thanks for your consideration.

Great quote: What you do in your house is worth as much as if you did it
up in heaven for our Lord God. We should accustom ourselves to think of
our position and work as sacred and well-pleasing to God, not on account
of the position and work, but on account of the word and faith from
which the obedience and the work flow. Martin Luther

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