Monday, October 16, 2006



Our dumb dog Crystal is really a good watchdog. Her bark is quite
impressive. It is so loud that when she barks the ground beneath you
shakes. But deep down, she is a big baby and loves people. But if you
didn't know her personality or were acquainted with her, she would scare

The enemy of our souls, Satan, is like that. We need to not dwell on him
and make him our focus, but neither should we be like an ostrich burying
our heads in the sand. We need to be aware of his methods and devices
and also become acquainted with his ways.

Peter wrote in his letter "Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your
adversary, the devil, prowls about LIKE a roaring lion, seeking someone
to devour. But resist him, firm in YOUR faith, knowing that the same
experiences of suffering are be accomplished by your brethren who are in
the world." (1 Peter 5:8-9)

My friend, God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life. And the
reality is that Satan DOESN'T love you and has a plan for your life. He
is always on the prowl seeking someone to "gobble up and destroy." His
ways and methods are so subtle. He and his crew are desperately
unfurling and unleashing their wicked ways to try and take you and me
out of the race. We must remember that while he is walking around
seeking someone to devour - he is already a defeated foe!

But I love what one writer said: "If Satan is/was defeated, why does he
still control "the lie?" In reality, his fangs have been removed and he
has been declawed, but if he can deceive you into believing that he can
chew you up and spit you out, he can control your behaviors. In reality,
he is faking Christians into defeat!" Wow!

My dear brothers and sisters, this is why we need to be in the WORD
constantly. This is the instruction manual for life to keep is alert and
sober in these evil days. Remember today - his roar is worse than his
bite. Don't fear him - resist him!

Good words to consider for today.

Great quote: "Those who have been gripped by the power of the Holy
Spirit and are used for God's glory are those who have been broken in
their finances, broken in their self-will, broken in their ambitions,
broken in their lofty ideals, broken in their worldly reputation, broken
in their desires, and often broken in their health." _Mrs. Cowman -
Streams in the Desert.

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