Sunday, October 15, 2006



I know I wrote about this several weeks ago, but as I was reading
through Proverbs this morning, three verses jumped out at me that are
worth sharing.

Proverbs 15:13 - "A cheerful heart brings a smile to your face; a sad
heart makes it hard to get through the day."
Proverbs 15:15 - "A miserable heart means a miserable life; a cheerful
heart fills the day with song."
Proverbs 15:32 - "A twinkle in the eye means joy in the heart, and good
news makes you feel fit as a fiddle."

One of my pet peeves when folks gather together for worship is the lack
of joy evident on their faces when they are praising the Lord. I'm not
suggesting that we plaster fake smiles on our faces ... but I sure wish
we could turn the video cam's on our congregations when they are
singing. Sometimes when I look out over congregations I lead, they look
... well I won't go there.

I realize that on any given Sunday there may be folks who are going
through tough times, but when you and I stop to think of WHO we are
worshipping and what HE has done for us ... the joy in our hearts should
bubble out to notify our faces. My grandmother used to say you become
like the people you hang around. Hang around miserable people and you'll
become just like them!

Friday night we were walking in the mall with our kids and Garrett was
holding baby Emma. It is amazing to me how a baby can make a shift in
someone's countenance. People would see her and big smiles would break
out on their faces. It is even more fascinating to watch older people
when someone brings a baby into the room.

Well think about that ... this morning we are worshipping the BABE of
Bethlehem that came to give you and me ABUNDANT LIFE! We deserve hell
and have been given newness of life, our sins have been forgiven, we
have a new name that is written in the Lamb's book of life with ink that
cannot be erased, we have been adopted into the family of God, and have
heaven too! Now if that doesn't put a smile on your face - then as by
good friend Dr. Ron Blue would say - your firewood is wet!

Try it today. As you are worshipping Him allow the joy in your heart to
register on your face. Who knows - the person standing next to you might
even ask - What happened to your face? Did you get a face lift? Have a
wonderful Lord's day.

Great quote: The Bible is the greatest traveler in the world. It
penetrates to every country, civilized and uncivilized. It is seen in
the royal palace and the humble cottage. It is the friend of Emperors
and beggars. It is read by the light of the dim candle amid Artic snows.
It is read under the glare of the equatorial sun. It is read in city and
country, amid the crowds and solitude. Wherever its' message is
received, it frees the mind from bondage and fills the heart with
gladness. Arthur Tappan (A. T.) Pierson

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