Sunday, October 01, 2006



One of our monthly outreach events at America's KESWICK is our community
Hymnsing. Over 500 folks gather together to sing for two hours, mostly
hymns, but we mix in newer songs and choruses. This Thursday's theme is
choruses from the past.

I was amazed in putting together the program how many songs I have
learned in my 52 years. In fact, it was fun taking a walk "down memory
lane" and reviewing hundreds of songs that I had forgotten about. I
joked with my wife that there are enough choruses to do at least another
twenty Hymnsings just with choruses.

Did you ever stop and think about the blessing of music? Just think what
our Creator God has allowed man to do with a simple scale of eight
notes. I have been having fun putting my CD collection on my IPOD. Right
now I have over 1500 songs downloaded which equates to about three days
worth of music. I still have another hundred or so CD's to download, but
I would venture a guess it might give me another seven or eight days of
music. My collection is just a drop in the bucket to the millions of
songs that our floating around.

One of the things that we will do in heaven for all eternity is worship.
Scripture is full of references that talk about the singing we will do
around the throne. No try and get a handle around this: we will sing for
all eternity. That's a lot of music! That's a long time. But the God who
created music for our enjoyment and benefit will be the One we will be
singing about!

John Newton wrote - "When we've been there ten thousand years, bright
shining as the sun; we've no less days to sing God's praise - then when
we first begun!"

As you gather together to worship this morning with like-minded brothers
and sisters in Christ at your church, be mindful that one day, we will
all be doing this together. Heavenly music will be grand!

Great quote:
"It is an odd business: the more I live, the more I fail. The more I
fail, fall forward, and am caught by the arms of grace, the more I
reveal the message of the gospel. The more I pretend to have arrived and
offer others advice on how they can do the same, the more I become like
the prodigal's older brother, self righteous and angry. The ironic truth
that those who proclaim the gospel need it more than those who hear it
is not new. It just isn't being said loudly and clearly enough in this
day of spin and professionalism and big programs." Dan Allender,
Leading with a Limp

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