Saturday, September 30, 2006



A man walked by a pet store and saw a sign that read, Talking Dog for
Sale." Intrigued, he entered the store and asked the store owner if he
could see this alleged canine communicator. The owner led the man back
to the exercise yard behind the store, where a dog was lying on a lounge
chair, soaking up the sun.

Feeling foolish, the prospective buyer asked the dog, "Can you really
The dog replied, "Yes, I can."
Amazed, the buyer said, "Tell me all about it! This is fascinating!"
The dog explained. "Well, I found out when I was a puppy that I could
talk. My owner at the time immediately put me in show business, and for
several years I toured the world - entertaining every kind of audience.
Later, I went to work for the government spying on all sorts of
dangerous people who had no idea that I could understand human speech
and reporting back on their schemes. Finally, I got tired of all that.
Now I'm retired. I wouldn't mind working a little, but I really just
want to take it easy."
The buyer went back in to the store owner and asked him how much he
wanted for the phenomenal dog. The man replied, "Ah, I'll give him to
you for $10 bucks."
The buyer was astonished. "How can you practically GIVE away a valuable
dog like that?"
"Because he's a terrible liar," said the store owner, "who never did any
of those things." (from The Manager's Intelligence Report)

Bottom line question? Does your life back up your words and actions? Do
you say what you do and do what you say? Do you say what mean and mean
what you say?

Solomon said: "The tongue of the wise makes knowledge acceptable, but
the mouth of the fool spouts folly." (Proverbs 15:2)

So can you be trusted? Good words to ponder today.

Great quote: Wherever thou goest, whatever thou dost at home, or abroad,
in the field, or at church, do all in a desire of union with Christ, in
imitation of His tempers and inclinations, and look upon all as nothing,
but that which exercises, and increases the spirit and life of Christ in
thy soul. From morning to night keep Jesus in thy heart, long for
nothing, desire nothing, hope for nothing but to have all that is within
thee changed into the spirit and temper of the holy Jesus. This new
birth in Christ, thus firmly believed and continually desired, will do
everything that thou wantest to have done in thee, it will dry up all
the springs of vice, stop all the workings of evil in thy nature, it
will bring all that is good into thee, it will open all the gospel
within thee, and thou wilt know what it is to be taught of God. --
William Law

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