Saturday, October 21, 2006



I am always amazed, and shouldn't be, at how many times in my morning
quiet time, the Lord gives me verses that I will need for the day.
Yesterday in my devotional reading of the Word, this verse appeared: "
... before they call, I will answer ..." Isaiah 65:24.

Like many of you, we had torrential rains throughout the night Thursday
and into Friday. Around 1:30 PM yesterday, the sun came up and the
temperatures started dropping and along with that came high winds. A
large pine tree near our main building snapped was about to fall. Our
maintenance crew were in the process of trying to pull it in the
opposite direction as the way it was falling, it was obviously going to
take down the power lines that feed to the Raws Administration building.

While this seen is unfolding we had 250 ladies checking in for our fall
Women's Weekend. The tree fell hitting another tree and broke the main
feed pole which took out the power in the Raws Building, Saint Memorial
Lodge and Victory Hall. We immediately called the power company, but our
experience in the past is it takes hours for them to respond.

Shortly after placing the call I heard the power trucks. Could it be?
Well it turns out that a crew just "happened" to be riding by the
property on 530 and noted that the fuses on the pull had popped. They
turned around and decided to come on our property to see what was up.
They hadn't even been dispatched to the job! I chuckled in my heart ...
"yes, Lord, before they call, You will answer." The crew did an
outstanding job and by 9:45 PM power was restored and all the ladies
were able to sleep in their rooms.

Just another lesson for me of the awesome power of our great God. We
were also grateful to the Red Cross who were willing to bring cots,
blankets and pillows so that we could set up emergency housing for our
guests in the event that the power would not have been restored. It was
a pleasure to work with them.

Thank You, Lord, for your amazing answers to prayer EVEN BEFORE WE CALL!

Have a blessed day!

Great quote: In the total expanse of human life there is not a single
square inch of which the Christ, who alone is sovereign, does not
declare, That is mine! Abraham Kuyper

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