Friday, October 20, 2006



From the pen of Charles Swindoll ...

"The children worked long and hard on their little cardboard shack. It
was to be a special spot - a clubhouse, where they could meet together,
play and have fun. Since a clubhouse has to have rules, they came up
with three:

Nobody act big.
Nobody act small.
Everybody act medium.

Not bad theology!
In different words, God says the same thing:
"Give preference to one another in honor." (Romans 12:10)
"Let each of you regard one another as more important than himself."
(Philippians 2:3)
"Through love serve one another." (Galatians 5:13)
"Whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant, and
whoever wishes to be first among you shall be your slaves." (Matthew
"Let another praise you, and not your own mouth; a stranger, and not
your own lips." (Proverbs 27:2)

Just 'act medium.' Believable. Honest, human, thoughtful, and down to
earth. Regardless of your elevated position or high pile of honors or
row of degrees or endless list of achievements, just stay real!

Junk any idea that you deserve some kind of super recognition for a job
well done. Who did you do it for anyway? If you did it for God. He has
an infinite number of unseen ways to reward you. If you did it for human
glory, no wonder you're seeking the credit! So easy to draw out that
praise for yourself, isn't it? Ye olde ego is a wily one!

Just "act medium."

Again, what Solomon said? "Let another praise you ... a stranger, and
not your own lips."

Meaning what? Meaning no self-reverence to some enviable accomplishment.
Meaning refusal to scratch a back when yours itches. Meaning no desire
to manipulate and manufacture praise. Meaning authentic surprise when

Like the inimitable Principal Cairns, headmaster of an English School,
who was walking onto the platform along with other dignitaries. As he
stepped up, a burst of spontaneous applause arose from the audience. In
characteristic modesty, Cairns stepped back to let the man behind pass
by ... as he began to applaud his colleague. He genuinely believed the
applause was for another.

Just "act medium."

But one final warning: Don't try and to fake it. False humility stinks
worse than raw conceit.

The answer is not in trying to APPEAR worthless or 'wormy.' The answer
lies in consistently taking notice of others' achievements, recognizing
others' skills and contributions ... and saying so. That's called
serving others in love. And that's what Christ did.

Got the rules memorized?

"Nobody act big. Nobody act small. Everybody act medium." Such good
advice from a clubhouse full of kids who, by the way, are pretty good at
practicing what they preach." From The Finishing Touch - Becoming God's
Masterpiece, published by Word.

Good words for today!

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