Tuesday, September 12, 2006



It has happened in my life on so many occasions, but yesterday was on those days where I saw God show up right "in the nick of time." On Sunday morning, our daughter Julie's water broke which meant that the birth of our granddaughter, Emma Grace, was imminent . . . Well at least that's what we thought. For over 24 hours, Julie had a very slow labor with minimal pain but much frustration as it seemed like she would never progress even with the large doses of medications that were supposed to speed up the process of labor.

At one point during the night, Emma's heart rate was dropping and caused concern. The medical team suggested that we might be facing an emergency C-section. My son-in-law, Garrett is wired much like. Sometimes I think he is really my son and not just a son-in-law because we are so much alike in so many ways. Garrett doesn't do well at hospitals and was quite emotionally wrecked at the thoughts of Julie facing and surgery and the threat to Emma's life.

Finally at 8:30 AM after what seemed like the longest night in history, the team decided that it was necessary to do the C-section. I could relate to where Garrett was in his emotional state -- all the fears and "what if's" racing through his mind. All of his "support team" encouraged him that he could do it and that God would give him the grace to get through it. Before he went back into the room, I told him that while I couldn't explain it, that God's amazing grace would show up right in the nick of time.

This young man is like me -- queasy at the thoughts of blood let alone having to see it. But nothing is too difficult for God and I knew that in response to the many prayers being offered up on behalf of Julie, Garrett, and Emma, God would show up in the nick of time.

And HE DID! I wish you could have seen the look on Garrett's face as he and the doctor came through the door and announced that Emma Grace had been born on 9/11 at 9:11 AM. Garrett proceeded to announce that he watched them putting Julie back together! You should have seen the look on his Mom's face as she replied, "That can't be my son!"

I don't know what difficulties you are facing today. But I do remind you of what the writer to Hebrews said: "Let us there draw near with CONFIDENCE to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help IN TIME OF NEED." (Hebrews 4:12) ... or as one commentator said ... "IN THE NICK OF TIME." Thank You, Lord, for proving your faithfulness to Garrett, Julie and Emma!

You can see Emma by visiting http://www.americaskeswick.org/conf/WelteFamilyPictures.htm

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